Community encouraged to have their say on Whitsunday Arts, Culture and Heritage

11 October 2022

CQUniversity Australia as the provider of the Regional Arts Services Network for the Whitsundays' is calling on the local community to contribute to the development of the new Whitsunday Arts' Culture and Heritage Plan (WACHP).

The Regional Arts Services Network will be delivering several feedback' brainstorming and consultation sessions across the region to aid in the development of the region's strategy for arts' culture and heritage.

The contributions and visions of the community will be used to inform the development of a draft Whitsunday Regional Council Arts' Culture and Heritage Plan and feed into the development and delivery of a series of free professional development workshops across the wider Whitsunday region.

Wanda Bennett' Regional Arts Manager for the Regional Arts Services Network said that the community consultation sessions would help to bring people with a common interest together so that they could contribute to creativity and culture in the North.

"We encourage everyone who has an interest in local arts' culture and heritage to attend a session and share their voice'" said Ms Bennett.

"We want to hear from people from all backgrounds including those employed within the arts and those who just appreciate the creative industries' as this will give us a thorough understanding of the region's needs.

"This will include everything from what sort of professional development is needed to foster local talent' to what funding and resources are needed to create a thriving and rich arts and cultural scene."

Next week's consultations will be held from 5.30 – 7.30 pm in Airlie Beach (17 October) and Prosperpine (18 October).

For more information about the WACHP please contact 0407 171 371 or email