School of Engineering and Technology
Dr Md Rakibuzzaman Shah, Associate Professor Mithulan Nadarajah (UQ)
Doctor of Philosophy

Research Details

Thesis Name

Oscillatory stability analysis in uncertain systems with renewable energy sources

Thesis Abstract

Uncertainties such as main generator replacement, penetration of renewable energy sources, delays of system communications etc, cause major issues in modern power systems. These problems may lead the systems to instability. This thesis focuses on deep oscillatory analysis and potential methods to deal with these problems. A novel method will be proposed so that the main causes of problems can be identified. Next, a damping control design will be presented to keep the stability of systems into an acceptable region. Simulation results in large-scale modern power grids including Australian power grids will demonstrate that the proposed methods are promising and more flexible than those conventional methods in uncertain power systems.

Why my research is important/Impacts

It was recently accepted that renewable energy is highly penetrating Australian power grids, especially wind and solar farms. When main generators are replaced by these uncertain sources, it will affect the stability, especially oscillatory stability, of systems by reducing total system inertia. As a result, these uncertain sources may bring about the instability of systems. This research will propose a deep problem analysis as well as a potential method to deal with these issues.


International Excellence Award and Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship