Dare to be Deadly Industry Placement Scholarship (ISSP-Funded)


Once Off


March 25, 2024

May 15, 2024


The Indigenous Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarships (Indigenous-CECS) assists with education costs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students enrolled and studying in enabling, undergraduate, honours, or postgraduate courses (for example, compulsory textbooks, study equipment, or laptops). At CQUniversity, these scholarships are known as Dare to Be Deadly Scholarships (D2BD). The D2BD Industry Placement Scholarship is a top-up scholarship to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who are currently receiving the CQUniCares Industry Placement Scholarship and are required to travel to remote locations to undertake extended unpaid compulsory placements.

A D2BD Scholarship will be awarded on the basis that the applicant meets the Indigenous Student Assistance Grants Guidelines 2017. 

To be eligible for a Dare to Be Deadly Scholarship, applicants should provide proof that they:

  • Identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person and provide Confirmation of Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander Identity or Cultural Reference documents as detailed under Supporting Documents below.
  • Continuing students must maintain satisfactory completion of at least 50% of the units studied in the previous term of study.
  • Be enrolled or intending to enrol in a course of study in Term 2, 2024:
    • Bachelor
    • Bachelor Honours 
    • Associate Degree
    • Advanced Diploma (Higher Education)
    • Diploma (Higher Education)
    • Postgraduate (Coursework)
  • Be enrolled at Census date in Term 2, 2024.
  • Be undertaking an unpaid placement in Term 2, 2024 with a minimum duration of 5 weeks (200 hours) in one block at a remote location.
  • Currently in receipt of the CQUniCares Industry Placement Scholarship.

Students will be ineligible if they:

Are in receipt of a Centrelink Relocation Scholarship or Residential Costs Option, Centrelink Start-Up Scholarship or Loan.

The D2BD Industry Placement Scholarship is a top-up scholarship to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who are currently receiving the CQUniCares Industry Placement Scholarship and are required to travel to remote locations to undertake extended unpaid compulsory placements.

Declaration of receiving Centrelink Loans or Scholarships:

Applicants who have received or in receipt of the following must declare this at the time of application: 

  • A Commonwealth Scholarship or Indigenous Commonwealth Scholarship at another institution
  • Centrelink Student Start Up Loan, Centrelink Relocation Scholarship or Residential Costs Option. 

Failure to declare this may result in your scholarship being withdrawn and any paid monies being reclaimed. 


As a scholarship recipient, you may be asked to participate in a feedback survey. You may also be approached to assist with promoting the CQUniversity Scholarships program by sharing your experiences as a recipient through media or invited to attend events such as Orientation or Open Day.

CQUniversity has a range of support services located on our website Student Support Services and Financial Preparedness

Applications should include all necessary supporting documents. Incomplete applications cannot be considered. Applicants will need to supply the following supporting documentation:

  • Confirmation of Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander Identity Documents:
    • Provide a letter signed by the Chairperson and with the seal and letterhead of an Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander organisation in the community in which the student lives or has previously lived; or
  • Cultural References documents:
    • Provide 2 x Cultural References and a Statutory Declaration
    • A Cultural Reference is defined as:
      • a recognised Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community member named or known as a spokesperson, a member, employee, or executive of a registered First Nations Australian organisation; or an acknowledged and recognised Elder or Traditional Owner who is a member of an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community.

Applicants are required to:

  1. Complete the application form provided by the Student Scholarships Team.
  2. Provide a personal statement addressing the question:

    How would a Dare to Be Deadly Industry Placement Scholarship assist with your studies?
  3. Provide a screenshot of placement details confirmed in SONIA, including your name to confirm the duration and location of your unpaid industry placement.
Students will be notified of the outcome of their application via their student email accounts only. Decisions are final.

The Indigenous Student Success Scholarship Program (ISSP) is a Commonwealth funded program to help students take on the demands of university and succeed. Dare to be Deadly Scholarships are prioritised towards the support of Indigenous students who are financially disadvantaged and/or from remote and regional areas.