Our Policies and the SDGs

We have a wide range of internal policies and procedures that govern and guide our practices, procedures, and conduct. Our policies and procedures address the ethical behaviour of our staff and business processes and govern our sustainable and responsible practices.

Explore our policies and procedures aligned with the themes of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) below.

Smoke-free campus

In 2018, we proudly became a smoke-free campus across our entire footprint. Read more in our Smoking, Alcohol and other Drugs in the Workplace Policy.

Access to educational resources

Our students benefit from access to educational resources such as computers, the library, online courses, lecturers and other learning resources as follows:

Library (Free Access)

Our students, alumni, the general public, and students from other universities can borrow from our libraries as per our Library guidelines.

Computers (Free Access)

Students from other universities can access our wireless network (eduroam) from our facilities as per our eduroam guidelines. Visitors to our campuses may be able to use computer facilities as a “visitor” in accordance with our Information and Communications Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Procedure (refer Clause 3.2).

Online Courses (Free Access)

The general public can access our Bachelor of Laws course material via iTunes U.

Courses (Fees Apply)

Our courses are available for community members and the general public to study. We offer professional development courses that can be studied without needing to apply and enrol in a full degree (an award course). We also offer a range of short courses for the general public and community to follow a personal interest or passion. Like our Professional Development Courses, our short courses do not require you to be enrolled in a degree.  We also provide single non-award study opportunities that enable those note interested in studying a full degree to study a single unit without having to enrol in the degree.

Courses (Fully Subsidised)

Our vocational education and training short courses are open for enrolment all year. Many courses are fully subsidised for eligible applicants.

Equity Policy

Our Equity Policy ensures that we take all necessary steps to create a safe, fair, equitable and inclusive learning and work environment. It ensures that no matter your ethnicity, religion, disability or gender you have access to activities, programs and opportunities provided and delivered by our university. This policy also guides us as we take a positive role in informing and educating students and staff of their rights and responsibilities in fostering a learning community that values equality. We do not tolerate unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation in any form.

The Standard We Live By: Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct (Code) provides guiding principles and standards requiring employees to work with integrity, diligence, honesty and respect to deliver the University’s aim to be a great university. The Code reflects the commitment of our University to ensure fair and ethical behaviour in an institution dedicated to the pursuit of enquiry and academic excellence, engagement with people and ideas, as well as equity and diversity amongst our students and employees. In delivering this commitment within a truly great university, we operate in accordance with our organisational values as well as abiding by the Federal and State ethics acts, the Human Rights Act 2019 Qld and other relevant legislation, and the Academic Board Position Statement – Academic Freedom. We do this not only because we are legally obligated to do so, but because it is right and just.

Gender Discrimination

We do not accept any form of discrimination including discrimination towards women and transgender people, this is outlined in our Workplace Harassment, Workplace Bullying and Unlawful Discrimination Policy and Procedure, our Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedure and our Code of Conduct.

The workplace harassment, workplace bullying and unlawful discrimination policy and procedure outline how that reporting discrimination for educational or employment disadvantages are protected.

Maternity and Paternity Policies

Our Parental Leave Policy and Procedure outlines the maternity and paternity leave policies available to staff.

Equity Policy

Our Equity Policy ensures that we take all necessary steps to create a safe, fair, equitable and inclusive learning and work environment. It ensures that no matter your ethnicity, religion, disability or gender you have access to activities, programs and opportunities provided and delivered by our university. This policy also guides us as we take a positive role in informing and educating students and staff of their rights and responsibilities in fostering a learning community that values equality. We do not tolerate unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation in any form.

Student Participation, Retention and Success

We are a university of access and opportunity, and the tertiary institution of choice for a diverse cohort of students from all around Australia and the world. All students, regardless of their background, gender, location or career aspirations, are welcomed and supported to participate fully in education, training and university life, and to achieve their personal goals. Our Student Participation, Retention and Success policy supports this mission.

Handling and Storage of Hazardous Chemicals and Dangerous Goods Procedure

Our Handling and Storage of Hazardous Chemicals and Dangerous Goods Procedure outlines the hazardous material handling requirements for all people bringing hazardous materials onto campuses.

CQUniversity does not accept any form of discrimination as outlined in the following policies:

Workplace Harassment, Workplace Bullying, and Unlawful Discrimination Policy and Procedure

The Workplace Harassment, Workplace Bullying and Unlawful Discrimination Policy and Procedure provides a framework and information for University employees to appropriately resolve alleged cases of workplace harassment (excluding sexual harassment), workplace bullying, and unlawful discrimination. 

Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedure

The Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedure provides a framework and information for University employees on how to appropriately resolve alleged cases of sexual harassment. 

Modern Slavery Statement

The Modern Slavery Statement shows CQUniversity's commitment to the prevention of slavery and human trafficking in all University activities and to ensuring our supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking. 

Procurement Policy and Procedure

The Procurement Policy and Procedure provides a framework and information for University employees to minimise social harm through compliance with the Slavery Act 2018

Equity Policy

Our Equity Policy ensures that we take all necessary steps to create a safe, fair, equitable and inclusive learning and work environment. It ensures that no matter your ethnicity, religion, disability or gender you have access to activities, programs and opportunities provided and delivered by our university. This policy also guides us as we take a positive role in informing and educating students and staff of their rights and responsibilities in fostering a learning community that values equality. We do not tolerate unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation in any form.

Enterprise Agreement

The Central Queensland University Enterprise Agreement 2023 is in effect until 1 July 2026. 

Ethical Compliance

Our Code of Conduct reflects the University’s commitment to ensure fair and ethical behaviour and operations in accordance with Federal and State ethics acts. Any breach of the Code of Conduct is dealt with in accordance with the University’s Enterprise Agreement and relevant policy documents.

Our Code of Conduct for Research establishes the framework for managing CQUniversity’s responsibilities to conduct research ethically, responsibly, with integrity, and in compliance with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, and sets out how any breach of the Code of Conduct for Research is dealt with.

Admission to CQUniversity Coursework Courses Policy and Procedure

The Admission to CQUniversity Coursework Courses Policy and Procedure is a non-discriminatory policy designed to meet the University’s admissions requirements, academic policies, quality assurance standards, accreditation requirements and relevant administrative systems.

Recruitment and Selection Procedure

The Recruitment and Selection Procedure ensures a consistent, timely and merit-based recruitment and selection process is used to attract quality employees to the University. Special measures are taken to recruit staff and faculty from underrepresented groups (refer to Clause 3.6 and 3.7 of this procedure).

Workplace Harassment, Workplace Bullying and Unlawful Discrimination Policy and Procedure 

We do not accept any form of discrimination, this is outlined in our Workplace Harassment, Workplace Bullying and Unlawful Discrimination Policy and Procedure.

Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedure

The Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedure provides a framework and information for University employees on how to appropriately resolve alleged cases of sexual harassment.

Disability Support Procedure - Students

Our Disability Support Procedure - Students informs and assists our students with disabilities on how to access specialised support services, assistive technologies, equipment and other reasonable adjustments.

Disability Support Procedure - Employees

Our Disability Support Procedure - Employees informs and assists our employees with disabilities on how to access specialised support services, assistive technologies, equipment and other reasonable adjustments, to ensure equitable access to employment opportunities, training, promotion, services and facilities.

Rehabilitation Policy and Procedure

The Rehabilitation Policy and Procedure provides a framework for the provisions of workplace rehabilitation to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of employees whose ability to carry out their duties is affected by any physical and/or psychological, work-related or non-work-related injury or illness.

Equity Policy

The Equity Policy outlines the legislative requirements that underpin a range of equity-related policy documents and programs. The University is dedicated to providing an environment that upholds the principles of social justice, equity, diversity and social inclusion without fear of discrimination, harassment or bullying, where all students, employees and others participating in our community are treated with dignity, courtesy and respect. It strives to build a vibrant community that respects the inherent dignity of the individual and values the unique knowledge, skills, abilities, life skills and competencies that each person can contribute to learning and workplace culture.

First Nation's Workforce Strategy

This Strategy is a whole-of-university approach aimed to reflect parity across the geographic and demographic catchments of the University's national footprint. This will be achieved through targeted recruitment, professional development and retention in all employment categories and levels. This Strategy strives for significant outcomes of social and economic benefits for First Nations trainees, employees, alumni, and communities. 

Procurement Policy

Outlined in the Procurement Policy is University's commitment to protecting the environment and doing business with ethical and sustainably responsible suppliers during all stages of the procurement process. Referring to Clause 4.6 under the Sustainable, Social and Indigenous-focused procurement, the policy outlines the key environmental issues that need to be considered including waste management, water use and impacts on natural habitats. Buyers must plan, identify, and integrate the practice of sustainability into the procurement of goods and/or services. Preference should be given to environmentally preferable goods and services that have a lower impact on the environment over the life cycle of the good or service, when compared with competing goods or services serving the same purpose.

Handling and Storage of Hazardous Chemicals and Dangerous Goods Procedure

Our Handling and Storage of Hazardous Chemicals and Dangerous Goods Procedure outlines the hazardous material handling requirements for all people bringing hazardous materials onto campuses.

Plastic Waste

Ditch the Disposables- The Ditch the Disposables campaign is an ongoing initiative that continues to educate staff and students throughout our national footprint about the harmful effects of single-use plastic and encourages them to ultimately ‘ditch the disposables’ because small changes will have a big impact. The University has embarked on a long-term sustainability journey focusing on key areas with the greatest impact demonstrating its commitment to the environment.

Clean Up Australia Day- CQUniversity is a Platinum Business Supporter of Clean Up Australia Day with events held across our campuses. Each year our staff and students step up and collect up to one ton of rubbish at simultaneous Clean Up Australia Day events across all mainland states. The 13 campus locations that participate in the annual event include Adelaide, Brisbane, Bundaberg, Cairns, Gladstone, Mackay Ooralea and City, Melbourne, Noosa, Perth, Rockhampton, Sydney, and Townsville.

Reusable Cup Initiative- This initiative partners with Plastic Free CQ and encourages all staff and students to use reusable cups when purchasing coffee on campus in a step towards a plastic-free future.  The on-campus café at Rockhampton North 'Cups and Muffs' offers discounts to customers who bring their own reusable cups and also offers a cup library to borrow and return.

Drain Buddies- The Drain Buddies project, led by Dr Angela Capper at our Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre (CMERC), will modify and install microplastic traps across Rockhampton and Livingstone shires, with monitoring to determine where the littering is occurring.

Code of Conduct for Research in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park

We have an ongoing commitment to improving practices and standards in all activities undertaken in the Marine Park to help protect the Great Barrier Reef. This document establishes the minimum requirements for the proper conduct of research within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. This Code of Conduct is also supported by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Operating Procedure.

Contractor Occupational Health and Safety Management Procedure

The Contractor Occupational Health and Safety Management Procedure outlines the determinants all individuals must take to minimise environmental harm associated with all activities they undertake including the potential pollution actions may incur (refer Clause 3.8).

Procurement Policy

Outlined in the Procurement Policy is University's commitment to protecting the environment and doing business with ethical and sustainably responsible suppliers during all stages of the procurement process. Referring to Clause 4.6 under the Sustainable, Social and Indigenous-focused procurement, the policy outlines the key environmental issues that need to be considered including waste management, water use and impacts on natural habitats. Buyers must plan, identify, and integrate the practice of sustainability into the procurement of goods and/or services. Preference should be given to environmentally preferable goods and services that have a lower impact on the environment over the life cycle of the good or service, when compared with competing goods or services serving the same purpose.

Sustainability Framework

The University's Sustainability Framework outlines the short and long term goals to achieve our Sustainability Goals. These are broken into nine elements with the following elements relating to SDG 14: Life Below Water.

  • Research (Page 7)
  • Waste (Page 8)
  • Water (Page 11)
  • Biodiversity (Page 14)

Handling and Storage of Hazardous Chemicals and Dangerous Goods Procedure

Our Handling and Storage of Hazardous Chemicals and Dangerous Goods Procedure outlines the hazardous material handling requirements for all people bringing hazardous materials onto campuses.

Contractor Occupational Health and Safety Management Procedure

The Contractor Occupational Health and Safety Management Procedure outlines the determinants all individuals must take to minimise environmental harm associated with all activities they undertake including the potential pollution actions may incur (refer Clause 3.8).

Research Involving Humans and or Animals for Ethical Clearance Policy and Procedure

The Research Involving Humans and or Animals for Ethical Clearance Policy and Procedure outlines the requirements of staff and students when working with animals for research purposes. All projects involving animal subjects shall be conducted in conformity with the NHMRC’s Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes. This code of conduct also includes information on alien species management.

Procurement Policy

Outlined in the Procurement Policy is the University's commitment to protecting the environment and doing business with ethical and sustainably responsible suppliers during all stages of the procurement process. Referring to Clause 4.6 under the Sustainable, Social and Indigenous-focused procurement, the policy outlines the key environmental issues that need to be considered including waste management, water use and impacts on natural habitats. Buyers must plan, identify, and integrate the practice of sustainability into the procurement of goods and/or services. Preference should be given to environmentally preferable goods and services that have a lower impact on the environment over the life cycle of the good or service, when compared with competing goods or services serving the same purpose.

Sustainability Framework

Our Sustainability Framework outlines the short and long term goals to achieve our Sustainability Goals. These are broken into nine elements with the following elements relating to SDG 15: Life on Land.

  • Research (Page 7)
  • Waste (Page 8)
  • Water (Page 11)
  • Biodiversity (Page 14)

The Sustainability Framework outlines our plans to reduce plastic waste and stop single-use plastics.

Sustainability Policy

This Sustainability Policy outlines the requirements of the executive, managers, employees and students in meeting the environmental sustainability objectives of the University. The Policy sets a clear turning point about the image it is portraying and various benchmarks the University is set for its teachers, students, employees, service providers and stakeholders about the sustainability of its activities.

Election of Members to Council Policy and Procedure

This policy and procedure outlines who is eligible to be elected as a member of the Council, and describes the process for conducting elections to the Council. It ensures that as a body we have elected representation from students, faculty and staff on our highest governing body.

Student Representative Council

Our Student Representative Council (SRC) aims to unite the student body with fairness, respect and constructive progress, and directly contribute to enhancing the student experience. The Student Representative Council Terms of Reference outlines the key details of the council.

Policies related to principles and commitments on organised crime, corruption and bribery

We have internal policies and procedures that address the ethical behaviour of our staff.  This helps encourage a culture that does not support organised crime, corruption, or bribery.

Our Audit Risk and Finance Committee monitors corporate behaviour on several variables including ethics. Refer to the Audit Risk and Finance Committee Terms of Reference, in particular, clause 2.41.

We also have an explicit Code of Conduct as well as abiding by the Queensland Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 which also has an established Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct details the values and principles that guide behaviour. This includes integrity and impartiality in addition to accountability and transparency. Our Code of Conduct is further supported by the Central Queensland University Enterprise Agreement , which details the process for dealing with misconduct (refer to Clause 26).

We have a Gifts and Benefits Policy and Procedure that explicitly details the giving and receiving of gifts for staff.

Academic freedom

Intellectual and academic freedom is essential to our culture and the University's employee rights are recognised and protected as detailed in the Central Queensland University Enterprise Agreement (refer Clause 42, page 74).

Open and inclusive conversations

We encourage and support participation in the discussion of new ideas, innovative and critical thinking, and open and inclusive conversations around community and societal challenges and solutions and provide a safe space for this to occur.

Our values support us as we create and offer safe spaces for our communities, government and non-government stakeholders to come together and discuss challenges safely and respectfully.

Our value of inclusiveness explicitly states 'We embrace and celebrate diversity and strive to improve access and participation. We promote respect, honesty and unity with safe and inclusive environments. We work together to create positive and tangible change with our communities.'

Sustainability Policy

Our Sustainability Policy outlines the requirements of the executive, managers, employees and students in meeting the environmental sustainability objectives of the University. The Policy sets a clear turning point about the image it is portraying and various benchmarks the University is set for its teachers, students, employees, service providers and stakeholders about the sustainability of its activities.

Sustainability Framework

Sustainability at our University is holistic through interconnecting elements to signify that one’s actions are connected to the larger picture and we are guided by our Sustainability Framework. Our sustainable development is focused on balancing social, economic and environmental needs and will be implemented through:

  • engaging and empowering our employees, students and the community on sustainability issues
  • establishing University-wide targets to reduce energy, water, solid waste and pollutants
  • fulfilling our commitment to sustainable building designs and facilities
  • developing sustainable campuses and incorporating sustainability topics for teaching and research as interrelated components in all fields offered at our university.