Nicole Pomeroy

My name is Nicole Pomeroy, I am a single mother of four children, and now a mature aged student who has decided to fulfil my goal of becoming a teacher. Teaching has been something I have been passionate about for a long time, and it feels fantastic to finally be able to succeed in my study and focus on what I want. This road has been a long one as I originally started my degree back in 2010, but due to personal circumstances and a lack of support, I had to unfortunately quit.
Receiving a CQUniCares Student Success Scholarship has helped ease some of the pressure I face as a full-time student. I have been able to upgrade my home computer (and this has taken the pressure off my aging laptop), and I have been able to pay for my textbooks for the upcoming term. My scholarship has also helped travel costs when I head to the Uni for classes, I reside about a 40-minute drive away. The remainder will go towards travel costs for when I am on placement.
I am the first of my immediate family to attend University and I want to show my children that you are never too old for learning and that your goals can always be accomplished. My eldest has plans to become a secondary teacher so this has been helpful to her by witnessing my study.
I am incredibly grateful to the donors who support not only the CQUniCares Student Success Scholarship but all scholarships that are available for students to gain a little extra financial support. Without that, we face the pressure of having to work longer hours to support our lives and that takes away from our dedicated study time as we work towards our future careers. Once again thank you for your generosity.
Donate to help more students
From 14 – 18 October, you can help us help even more students. Please donate to Student Scholarships during the 2024 CQUniCares Appeal.