Zac Newland

CQUniCares gave me the belief I can achieve my dream
Zac Newland

My name is Zac Newland and I am a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Diploma of Professional Practice (Co-op Engineering) graduate and former recipient of The Walter and Eliza Hall Trust Fund Scholarship and CQUniCares Appeal Scholarship.

Of my time at CQUniversity, I would have to say I found my second year the most difficult. I completed my first year via distance and moved on-campus for second year to continue my Mechatronics major. This was a huge move for me as it was my first time living away from home. I walk with callipers and a walking frame and when not in those I use a wheelchair, so leaving my support and moving to a totally different environment where I had to take care of myself and continue with my studies was rather daunting.

My scholarships helped me with my textbooks, university fees and accommodation expenses and allowed me to focus on my studies without having to worry about my finances. I was able to purchase a new laptop which had the capabilities required for my engineering course.

Knowing that I have the support of The Walter and Eliza Hall Trust Fund Scholarship and the CQUniCares Appeal Scholarship encourages me and assists me in the belief that I can achieve my dream.

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From 14 – 18 October, you can help us help even more students. Please donate to Student Scholarships during the 2024 CQUniCares Appeal.