Guwal Jilbay - Yarning Research Conference

Guwal Jilbay First Nations Research Student Conference for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and supervisors of Indigenous RHD students.

CQUniversity are excited to be hosting the inaugural Guwal Jilbay – Yarning Research Conference 2024, a conference specifically supporting First Nations Research Higher Degree students and their supervisors. ‘Guwal Jilbay’ is from the Dyirbal language of the Jirrbal people of north eastern Queensland meaning ‘Talking Research’.

This three-day event aims to address the isolation of regional and rural First Nations research students and their supervisors by promoting their research successes and providing an opportunity to connect, learn and network with other leading Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers. Participants (research students and their supervisors) from metropolitan universities are also welcome.

Indigenous students from Aoteaora, Pasifika and the Americas undertaking research higher degrees are invited to register and attend the conference. However, please note that priority for presentations will be given to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

The overall conference themes focus on self-determination, community responses post-referendum and international Indigenous solidarities.

Please join us on Darumbal Country, (Rockhampton) between 16-18 July 2024 to raise the national profile and impact of regionally-focussed First Nations Research.


Ticket price includes:

  • Pre-conference networking event on Monday evening, 15 July
  • 3 days of jam-packed conference activities
  • Conference Dinner Thursday 18 July
  • Limited edition conference polo shirt, find your Size in our FAQs below

Keeping in Touch 

We invite all interested parties to join our mailing list. You can manage your subscription online.

Contact Us

For any other questions or information please feel free to get in touch.

CQUniversity Australia, Office of Indigenous Engagement

Phone: (07) 4930 6409

The 3-day Guwal Jilbay Yarning Research conference is the first cross-institutional capacity-building conference of its type to be held in Australia and will inspire and energise the next generation of First Nations researchers. 

Students in regional and remote areas face and overcome unique challenges and are often focussed on researching community-driven matters in their home communities. Guwal Jilbay is an opportunity to promote this type of First Nations research and students who research with and for their communities and/or Nations. 

All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research higher degree students are warmly invited to register and present. The Conference invitation is extended to all supervisors of First Nations research students.

Guwal Jilbay adopts a supportive approach to student presentations and welcomes students from pre-confirmation through to examination of their thesis.

We encourage research higher degree students to submit abstracts for:

  • 20-minute paper presentations (standard conference presentation style, maximum 5-7 Slides and 20 minutes to present highlights of your research project. Presenters will have access to a microphone, podium and digital screen.)
  • 3-minute thesis competition (presenter has three minutes to present a memorable, interesting and accurate story about their research and its significance, using just one PowerPoint slide) – prizes will be awarded to multiple competition winners!

In alignment with Guwal Jilbay’s supportive approach, there will be no critique or question time allocated after student 20-minute paper presentations. Attendees will instead be encouraged to engage in thoughtful and intentional discussions with peers outside of presentations. 

Submissions close Tuesday 7 May 2024 please click on the green ‘Abstract Submission’ link below which will take you to the survey. Please ensure you have completed your conference registration prior to submitting your abstract.

Student Abstract Submission

If you encounter problems with the survey, please contact the conference organising team on or 07 4726 5394.

The Conference Committee will respond to submissions by Tuesday 21 May 2024. 

We are in the early stages of planning this event and are currently seeking Expressions of Interest from invited universities.

Early in 2024 we will invite participants who are:

  • You are a Research Supervisor of a student who meets the below criteria
  • You are an Academic of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander heritage working to support First Nations students undertaking Research Higher Degrees
  • You are an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Student currently undertaking a Research Higher Degree with any of these universities
    • CQUniversity
    • Charles Darwin University
    • Charles Sturt University
    • Federation University
    • James Cook University
    • Southern Cross University
    • University of New England
    • University of Southern Queensland
    • University of Sunshine Coast

Official registration will commence in February 2024.

The Guwal Jilbay Conference program is currently under development and will be released in June.


Thank you to our sponsors for making this conference possible

Gold Sponsor


CSIRO website

Silver Sponsor

Manna Institute Logo

Bronze Sponsor

UniSuper Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

Please ensure you follow your home University’s travel booking policies and procedures.

CQU’s Rockhampton-based Travel Crew would be delighted to assist you with your bookings - Travel Crew if you are travelling independently. 

The Rockhampton North Campus is approximately 11km / 20 minutes drive from the Rockhampton Airport.

Taxis and hire cars are available outside the airport terminal.

Queensland Rail operate a trains into and out of Rockhampton – for further information please visit Rockhampton Rail Travel.

Accommodation is not included as part of the conference fee.

Rooms and rates are subject to availability. Please see below for nearby options:

Parking is limited on campus due to construction works so where possible please try to carpool with other participants between accommodation and campus.

Nothing beats the chance to yarn over a quiet cuppa with someone or sit side by side as you frame up a future publication does it? So we’ve decided this conference will be 100% OFFline.

You might like to explore Rockhampton and the Capricorn Coast region while on beautiful Darumbal Country. For Further information please visit What’s On Explore Rockhampton or Events & Activities Rockhampton Regional Council.