The Atollo Project

The Atollo Project is a pioneering initiative funded by the European Union that aims to empower learners with disabilities through the creation of accessible and inclusive digital educational materials. Through international collaboration, the project is developing innovative digital educational resources that cater to the needs of every learner. The Atollo Project team comprises members from Croatia, Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Ireland, and Australia, including leading technology companies, universities, and government organisations.

Inclusive Digital Educational Content

The output of the Atollo Project will include high-quality digital tools and content that enhance mathematical and digital competencies in children with intellectual disabilities. The project aims to produce a minimum of 45 digital educational units, tailored to various levels of learning difficulty (profound, severe, specific, and moderate). These units will be part of a comprehensive digital education toolkit designed to support inclusive learning.

CQUniversity's Role

CQUniversity is proud to be an associate partner and a member of the Quality Assurance Team in the Atollo Project. Academics from CQU's School of Education and the Arts are contributing to Work Package 3, which focuses on the development of digital educational content for learners with disabilities, and Work Package 4, which includes piloting and evaluation of digital educational content and quality assurance. These contributions align with the University's expertise and its strong focus on social innovation, accessible education and global outreach.

Contact Us

Contact us for more information about CQUniversity's involvement in the Atollo Project.

School of Education and the Arts,
Bruce Highway,
North Rockhampton QLD 4740

Professor Stephen Dobson, Dean of School

Associate Professor Steven Pace, Head of Course - Digital Media