Community Engagement

Our research, teaching and administration staff are passionate about engaging the community and industry partners to promote diverse connections that empower and strengthen the region.

The nature of our disciplines means that we can't help but be engaged with our communities, employers, external research partners and other stakeholders. All of our staff are committed to ensuring that our school is at the forefront of CQUniversity's engaged agenda.

Engaged teaching and learning

Our programs are directly relevant to employment routes and we, therefore, make strong use of real workplace scenarios in our teaching. Students bring their experience from employment and placement to the teaching session and our assessment is truly authentic to the skills our graduates will need to use.

Engaged research

Our research answers real-world questions and therefore typically involves external partners. Good examples of this include our work on gambling in casinos and pokie rooms; our world-renowned work on fatigue with partners including the rail and resource industries; and our work on resilience in communities affected by natural disasters.

Engaged employment

Alongside staff who come from a traditional academic background, many colleagues in the school have spent a lot of time in practice and many continue to do so. We have joint appointments with organisations such as Queensland Health and we often bring in industry experts to contribute to teaching in our courses.

Engaged professional development opportunities

Clinical and educational experts have joined forces to present a calendar of continuing professional development opportunities for occupational therapists and physiotherapists.  CQUniversity has partnered with SWEP (State Wide Equipment Service) to deliver this program. Read more about professional development opportunities.

Engaged selection process for 'homegrown' doctors in regional QLD

CQUniversity believe quality education, training and research should be available to everyone, regardless of background, location or circumstance. Our goal is, to enable our Bachelor of Medical Science (Pathway to Medicine) students to become safe and effective practitioners and adaptable, life-long learners committed to improving patient and public health through the Regional Medical Pathway. Therefore, it is essential to identify prospective students who have the potential to be outstanding doctors. Read more on how you can become part of this important selection process.