Become an MMI Interviewer for Applicants to Medical Training Programs

Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs) allow assessment of a range of humanistic skills, such as communication, teamwork, empathy, and integrity. These qualities are shown to correlate with performance in the later clinical years of the MD. MMIs are widely recognised as a best practice method to select applicants based on values-based attributes for medical training programs.

We invite our community of stakeholders to participate in the admission process. To successfully run the MMI we need the help of a large team: clinicians, Central Queensland University staff and community members. Your contribution as an interviewer is essential to enable us to undertake this important selection process.

  1. Who can be an MMI interviewer?
  2. What does being an interviewer involve?
  3. Interview dates
  4. Get involved.

1. Who can be an MMI interviewer?

Anyone with an interest in helping to select the next generation of doctors can volunteer to be an MMI interviewer. You do not need to be a medical professional or have a background in medicine.

2. What does being an interviewer involve?

To become an MMI interviewer, you must complete a training session to help you understand the role and procedures to ensure a consistent, fair and transparent experience for all applicants.

  • The initial training is a 1-hour hands-on session.
  • Training sessions will be offered through The University of Queensland, prior to our main interviewing event in November.
  • Follow-up, self-paced, refresher training is provided to trained interviewers annually, and usually takes around 30 minutes to complete.

Once you have attended training, you will be invited to participate in the MMIs for the upcoming admission cycle. Interviews will be held face-to-face at the Bundaberg and Rockhampton campuses unless COVID-19 restrictions prohibit face-to-face interviews.

The minimum time commitment is a half day; morning sessions run from 8am – 1pm, or afternoon sessions from 1pm – 6pm. Dates for interviews are provided below.

Participation in the MMIs is on a voluntary basis, and there is no remuneration for your time. With refreshments provided for each session, volunteering provides the opportunity to meet other members of the School of Health Medical & Applied Sciences, CQUni and wider CQUni community.

All interviewers who participate in MMI training and a MMI session will receive a certificate of participation. For registered medical professionals, you can use this to self-report Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points to your relevant College.

3. Interview dates for 2024

Interviews for 2024 will be conducted again on our Bundaberg and Rockhampton campuses.

Pathway to Medicine MMIs will be held from Monday, 18 November to Friday, 22 November 2024.

4. Get involved

Yes, I would like to be an MMI interviewer.

Register your interest to become an MMI Interviewer for the Bachelor of Medical Science (Pathway to Medicine) by completing the Involvement as an MMI Interviewer form.

We value your time, effort and enthusiasm to participate in the MMIs as an interviewer. You play an important part in shaping the future medical workforce.