Tandi Kuwana

Graduate Diploma of Mental Health Nursing




Online Study



Tandi Kuwana smiling wearing light pink dress and brightly coloured suit coat

Tandi has extensive education and career experience in mental health nursing and leadership. In 2017, Tandi established My Mental Wellness Consultancy, which offers mental wellness programs and transcultural mental health workshops. The programs are delivered to schools, colleges and non-profits and encourages a dialogue for mental health support.

Tandi is a sought-after speaker and leader in the sector, and has contributed to government policy, community support programs and media over several years. Her impact and influence on the spheres of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) communities, migrants, mental health and general health services in Western Australia was recognised through an induction into the Western Australian Women's Hall of Fame in 2020.

She conducts mental health literacy programs for migrants and refugees and has worked in partnership with The Smith Family, Palmerston, Ishar, and Richmond Wellbeing.

CQUniversity is proud to recognise Tandi as the recipient of the 2021 Alumnus of the Year – Social Impact Award.