Angel Rodero

Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) & Master of Engineering


On campus




Angel is the Chairman and CEO of Babcock International (Spain and Portugal), a multidisciplinary organisation providing critical, complex engineering services. As Chairman and CEO, his role is to lead the organisation as defined in the 5-year strategy, ensuring that there is an adequate balance between shareholder value and social responsibility.

After graduating, Angel spent five years with the Queensland Electricity Commission, before pursuing an international career. He has had several international postings including roles in Cyprus, The Bahamas, Thailand, and Spain.

Angel's family were farmers in North Queensland. His older brother studied at CQUniversity and recommended the engineering degree as it was practice oriented. Angel was good at maths and thought engineering would be a good fit. He pursued a Bachelor of Engineering at CQUniversity, becoming the first sibling in his family to complete a degree.

Angel feels his degree in engineering was essential. Without the basic technical skills and critical thinking he developed, progress in the international arena would have been much more difficult for him.