Julie Hollitt

Doctor of Philosophy (Arts, Humanities and Education)



Research Higher Degree

Online Study


Julie learned during her research studies to take herself seriously as an academic, writer and thinker. Her favourite memory of studying at CQUniversity is attending the Research Higher Degree colloquium in Rockhampton.

Julie worked with her principal supervisor for almost ten years and enjoyed every minute of it, even when it was sometimes tough going. Julie is grateful for the conceptualisation and communication skills she was able to develop during her research studies. She learned to think about a concept from several angles and to make use of the angle that best fits her learning and positioning in relation to that concept.

For any future research students, she recommends to "find an area of inquiry that both drives and frustrates you either academically or professionally, and work with a supervisor who can help you get lost in it, and then find your way out again."

Thesis title: The Case of Context: A Pragmatic, Mixed-Methods Study of Inclusive Education’s Imagined and Context-specific learners in New South Wales, Australia