Dr Umesh Kumar Acharya
Dr Umesh Kumar Acharya was a junior horticulture researcher within his institution for seven years before enrolling to study a Research Higher Degree. He wanted to obtain cutting-edge knowledge on horticulture research and found CQUniversity was a great fit for his interests and needs.
Dr Acharya’s degree helped him advance within his research system and enhanced his job responsibilities. After graduation, he was promoted to a senior scientist role to lead the Citrus Fruit Research Program at the Nepal Agricultural Research Council. He is responsible for coordinating citrus research and development activities nationwide, testing and developing suitable citrus farming technologies and quality sampling production methods, as well as training commercial horticulturalists, orchardists, and technicians.
So far, he has made recommendations for three citrus fruit varieties for commercial cultivation and developed a quality sampling production system for his country.
Thesis title: Extending the use of NIRS in the assessment of fruit maturation and quality