Justin Power

Sustainable Development




Online Study



Justin is an outstanding member of the Central Queensland community. As well as working as a Projects and Business Improvement Partner with a regional social services provider, he undertakes leading roles in a number of community organisations, including as Deputy Chair of St Ursula's College Limited and Secretary for the Rockhampton area of the Historic Motorcycle Club of Queensland. Justin is a member of the Diocesan Development Fund committee, End Loneliness Inc, and a community working group established to improve employment outcomes for people living with a disability.

Justin has also displayed exemplary participation on the CQUniversity Rockhampton Regional Engagement Committee as a member and, previously, as Chair. In this role, Justin has developed strong networks and actively engages with people across the academic, administrative, student and alumni communities. He is tenacious in pursuing outcomes and his ideas have created improved accessibility to CQUniversity for our communities.

Justin's services to his community and to CQUniversity resulted in him being recognised with the CQUniversity Volunteer Alumnus Award in 2013.