Centre for Professional Development

The Centre for Professional Development hosts a variety of micro-credentials across multiple disciplines.

There are over 300 micro-credentials in our catalogue and all have been developed in consultation with industry experts to meet professional development requirements as well as industry workforce development needs.

You can view our micro-credential's below in our Course search or download our micro-credential catalogue.

Featured micro-credentials

Hydrogen focused online learning micro-credentials – FREE for all Queensland Secondary Students from 15th May 2023

The hydrogen industry is set to be a promising option for storing energy from renewables, advancing the decarbonisation of regional and global economies and positioning Queensland as a sustainable energy powerhouse nationally and internationally.

The QCAA/ACARA curriculum aligned online learning resources are available for students in Years 7-10 and Years 11-12. These non-creditable micro-credentials are awarded a digital badge and a Certificate of Completion.

CQU hydrogen stem skills secondary badges

Students will explore:

  • Chemical and physical properties of hydrogen
  • History of hydrogen fuel
  • Hydrogen applications
  • Hydrogen storage and transport
  • Hydrogen safety
  • Future of the hydrogen industry.

Curriculum Alignment Plans

The micro-credentials are aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 Affordable and Clean Energy and include Queensland-based STEM industry professional profiles.


For all enquiries related to these micro-credentials and how your school can access bulk enrolments for students please contact: Dr Cal Devney.

Email: H2learning@cqu.edu.au

Micro-credential information: Search at cqu.edu.au/courses for application and enrolment

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