Year 8 University Community Festival Days


Who is this event for / type of event


Year 8 Students from the Bundaberg region will be coming on campus to discover our campus community via a range of fun and engaging activities. The goal is to show them how university (and TAFE) prepares students with the skills, qualifications and networks needed to contribute positively to the community - locally, regionally, statewide, across our nation and the world!


Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP) - Department of Education, Australian Government


Queensland Widening Participation Consortium - ACSES

Explore University of the Sunshine Coast


This event is open to community partnerships, please email our Future Students team if you are interested in working with us on preparing our Future Students in finding successful career pathways.

Schools Attending

Tuesday 26 November Kepnock State High School
Wednesday 27 November

Gin Gin State High School

Rosedale State School

Thursday 28 NovemberBundaberg State High School