Agri-Tech roadshow to grow young minds across regional Victoria

10 October 2023
RACE Goulburn - Seymour
Students from Seymour College

An innovative CQUniversity-led program, aimed at bringing the world of agriculture into classrooms, is set to inspire students across regional Victoria this month.

The Raising Aspirations in Careers and Education - Goulburn (RACE - Goulburn) project will deliver a range of hands-on, interactive, and engaging activities to primary and secondary students focused on building student capacity in STEM, digital technologies, agribusiness, manufacturing and food and fibre concepts.

The roadshow will travel to schools in the regional locations of Seymour, Yarrawonga, Nathalia and Rushworth.

CQU Agri-Tech Education and Innovation Project Officer, Kate Strong said the educational initiative will help expose these students to the wider world of Goulburn agriculture.

“Goulburn-Murray Region agriculture is a world class industry with the agrifood sector being the largest contributor to the local economy.

“Despite this significance, many students remain unaware of the ways their different strengths and interests can be explored through the world of agricultural work,” she explained.

“RACE Goulburn encourages students to explore their potential in a dynamic, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) driven industry that exists in their own backyard.”

Seymour College students
Students from Seymour College participating in RACE Goulburn activities

She added that the program will also work to connect schools with industry representatives and provide an immersive experience into the work life of those working across a range of agricultural occupations.

Students will visit local agricultural businesses including the Walpole Family Dairy Farm, MP Harvest Foods, Aussie Pride Produce, Legacy Packing, Australian Pork Limited, Australian Wool Institute, Murray Dairy, PoultryHub, Koala Cherries and the SmartFarm at Tatura.

“By exposing young minds to potential employers and industry role models, we can raise awareness and increase motivation to pursue one of the vast range of careers across the agricultural supply chain,” Ms Strong said.

“This can also build their knowledge of, and increase their aspirations to undertake further education pathways.”

Funded by Agriculture Victoria as part of the Secondary School Agriculture Fund, RACE Goulburn is a joint venture between CQUniveristy and the Goulburn Murray Local Learning and Employment Network.