Cultivating Futures goes national

24 October 2023
Three woman stand in a group in a green, grassy pasture surrounded by a herd of grazing dairy cows.
Cultivating Futures project researchers

CQUniversity will lead a new AgriFutures Australia project, aimed at introducing secondary students to the diverse careers available in the agricultural sector.

The Cultivating Futures: Engaging Secondary School Students in the World of Agricultural Careers project will see agricultural researchers and experts from CQUniversity’s Agricultural Education and Extension Cluster deliver the innovative program across every State and Territory by November 2023. 

Researchers will engage with Year 9-12 students in the locations of Orelia, Fremantle and Balcatta in Western Australia, Humpty Doo and Darwin in the Northern Territory, Clare and the mid-north coast in South Australia, Exeter, Launceston, Prospect in Tasmania, Kilmore and Dingee in Victoria, Canberra in the Australian Capital Territory, Dubbo and Tamworth in New South Wales and Home Hill and Blackwater in Queensland. 

The one-day program will feature curriculum-aligned resources, career activities and a visit to local agricultural businesses.

CQUniversity Agricultural Education and Extension lead, Associate Professor Amy Cosby said the national roadshow will assist the researchers to develop, implement and evaluate the national outreach program designed to improve educators’ and secondary school students’ awareness, knowledge and perceptions of agricultural careers.

“Students will complete a classroom activity involving newly-created career videos from people working in the industry. This will help the students to gain a greater understanding of the huge variety of occupations within the sector. 

“Alongside direct on-farm roles, we are also determined to promote careers in areas that aren’t traditionally associated with agriculture, including marketing, logistics, food safety and technology, engineering and trades,” she said.

“The students will undertake a range of excursions to industries in their local areas. The focus of these excursions is to provide a first-hand insight into the working life of the agricultural profession and participate in experiences that reflect the real world of agricultural work.”

Amy Cosby interacts with three school children at a school incursion activity to teach children about technology focused jobs in agriculture.
Associate Professor Amy Cosby with young students

AgriFutures Australia Manager, Abbey O’Callaghan said the project aims to directly meet the agricultural careers education needs of secondary teachers and career practitioners nationwide. 

“We had some really interesting findings come out of Stage 1 of the project,” she said. 

"This outreach program is leveraging those recommendations to build engagement and understanding of career opportunities in the Australian agriculture sector right across Australia."

As part of the project delivery, Associate Professor Cosby said CQUniversity experts will collaborate with teachers and careers advisors to support them in assisting students with finding exciting agricultural work placements.

“We have been developing tools and resources that align with current curriculums and also a guide to connect teachers and career advisors and their students with people in the industry, and facilitate options for work experience and placements,” Assoc Prof Cosby said.

“The goal is to create a guide that supports schools to find suitable work placements for their students and deliver a range of professional development opportunities for teachers and careers advisors to ensure they are connected and aware of industry innovations and workforce needs.”

Feedback from teachers and students throughout the roadshow will support refinements to developed career resources, ensuring these are ‘market ready’ and that the recommended delivery mechanisms are optimal to support adoption leading to short and long-term change.