Women in Industry – Funding Makes Way for Skilled Workers
14 December 2022
A group of 11 Central Queensland women celebrated the completion of their Certificate III in Community Services as part of a Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) Queensland Government initiative in partnership with CQUniversity.
Shirin Dharmalingam from local organisation Women's Health Information & Referral Service CQ Inc (WHIRSCQ) secured the funding and in partnership with CQUniversity' delivered essential skills training for a cohort of women which has already seen several of them employed prior to graduating.
CQUniversity Community Services teacher Vijeta Srivastava and Head of Course Loretta Williams were thrilled with the partnership' and saw many graduates receive notable mentions along with their testamurs.
'We have really enjoyed working with this cohort of students as part of the (SQW) program' and they have all achieved so much already'' Ms Srivastava said.
WHIRSCQ assists women in the community who may be marginalised and facing disadvantage' to experience higher quality of life through practical and meaningful ways that foster empowerment within the women' and in turn' their communities.
'Not only has this training provided tangible' practical ways for these women to succeed' but they've also formed some real' lifelong friendships'' Ms Srivastava said.
The ever-growing need for skilled workers in the community services sector was evident in how quickly some of these students were able to receive jobs in the industry while they were still studying' and was a testament to the integrated support the students received to transition from education to employment.
'A number of students have already received jobs and their employers were at the graduation supporting them'' Ms Dharmalingam said.
'When we secured the funding' we were so thrilled to be able to deliver this training with CQUniversity and we've seen such great outcomes.'