CQU Researcher internationally recognised by the WHO

21 January 2022

CQUniversity Researcher Dr Imran Ali has had his first research article published by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

While this article was not Dr Ali's first research article published' it is the first article that has been published by the WHO.

Dr Ali said' "Having this article published by the WHO is not only recognition of my research' but of the impact and significance of our research at CQUniversity."

"The article was initially accepted and published by the Journal of Business Research. After a few days' we were glad to see that the article was picked up and published by the WHO on their main page."

The article titled' Reimagining global food value chains through effective resilience to COVID-19 shocks and similar future events: A dynamic capability perspective' explores whether and how exposure to COVID-19-related disruptions such as restrictions' lock downs' border closures and vaccine mandates can trigger businesses to implement positive changes to their day-to-day business operations and how their capabilities in doing so influence the competitiveness of the global food supply chains.

Dr Ali explained that the dynamic capability of a business is measured by its ability to identify' develop and implement various processes to take action against rapidly changing business environments.

"The findings of this study revealed that the global food supply chains competitiveness is achieved when COVID-19-related shocks persuade organisations to invest in dynamic capabilities and in return' these capabilities produce effective resilience for the business'" Dr Ali said.

"A key finding of this study is that businesses with domestic and global value chain partners are more resilient than those having only global business partners.

"This finding implies that excessive reliance on offshoring can sometimes become lethal' especially amid unexpected and prolonged global shocks like COVID-19 and' therefore' companies should strike a balance between domestic and global business partners to remain competitive."

Over the years' Dr Ali has been closely working to help improve the productivity and profitability of the Australian food industry' which he says is a top research priority area for the Australian Government.