Queensland-based international student creates app to help save COVID-19 patients in India
A CQUniversity international student has used his recent internship experience to develop an app that could potentially save the lives of thousands of COVID-19 patients suffering in India.
Inspired by his work with the Diabetes Dashboard' a personal diabetes management platform launched by social entrepreneur Matthew Doyle and Type One Technologies Ltd, Master of Information Technology student Venkata Kandula has developed an India-based app to connect people in need of help and those with the capacity to help.
According to the 23-year-old currently based in Brisbane, the sole purpose of the Help India Breath app is to create a platform for the people looking for some assistance and the people who are willing to provide their assistance to the needy.
"As the COVID-19 cases surge every day in India, the need for beds, oxygen cylinders and plasma is augmenting each and every minute," he explained.
"The basic idea of this app is to help such people by making them informed about the availability of the beds, oxygen cylinders and plasma donors in their neighboring locations.
"People who are willing to help the needy will register their details in the app and people who are scouting for a helping hand will log in and contact the people willing to help based on their availability.
"The app also has live COVID cases tracking for all states."
Venkata said that despite living in tough times with the pandemic, many challenges can be overcome through "selfless service and active work".
It's a philosophy that has been echoed by his internship supervisor who also congratulated Venkata on his heart of service.
"Contacted by friends and family home in India and asked to use social media stories to support the need for hospital beds, oxygen, blood plasma and other supplies, but knowing social media stories fade after only 24 hours, Venkata has stepped up and taken far more practical action." - Mr Doyle
"Putting skills learned in his internship into action, in just one weekend, Venkata has created this app to link those in need of hospital beds, oxygen, plasma and other supplies with those nearby who have access and capacity.
"I pray this app reaches its full potential, making an impact in the lives of millions!"