Gladstone region community comes together for exhibition launch

11 May 2021

More than 160 people converged on the CQUniversity Gladstone Marina campus recently' for the official launch of the 'Margaret Worthington: Land' Air' Sand' Sea' Spirit. 40 years in Queensland' exhibition.

The exhibition showcases more than 60 watercolour and acrylic paintings' sculptures in aluminium and fibreglass' and installations of watercolours and sculptures with projected videos and photographs.

Gladstone-based artist Margaret Worthington said this exhibition was different from the rest' in that it showcased a complete survey of her work' and was accompanied by a curated coffee-table-sized book.

"To offer the community a whole span of my work is just amazing. I communicate' and learn about myself and the landscape' through my work. I'm basically looking at a timeline of myself'" she said.

"Sue (CQUniversity Art Collection Manager) and I have been working on this since late 2019. It's been an absolute pleasure to work with a professional' who is just as passionate as I am."

"I've been pretty spoiled to have a book' curated by Sue' accompany the exhibition.

"It truly captures my journey and highlights what subjects have been of most interest to me' as well as how I've grown and how I've changed.

"An interesting observation by Sue' is the similarities between the landscapes that surrounded me as a child and those that surround me now.

"I grew up in Zambia' South Africa' which is known for its copper mines surrounded by pristine bush. Gladstone is similar - surrounded by fairly unspoiled bush."

Margaret said it was difficult to choose just one treasure' given that "as you work' you grow."

"Treasures change over time. However' some of my favourites include the little musclemen sculptures (aluminium)' created by my partner' Clive Rouse'" she said.

"People have wanted to buy these separately' but I would love to keep them together. In fact' I have chosen to donate these to CQUniversity' to ensure they will always be looked after.

"I am also fond of the Blood on the spoor 1999 (watercolour and mixed media) artwork' which is one of the earlier items in the collection' and the Rose-crowned fruit dove 2006-07 (watercolour and gold foil) artwork."

Margaret said she would now spend some time considering her next series of artwork.

"I've got this choice to either go to the outback or have a closer look at Curtis Island' just off the coast of Gladstone'" she said.

"It may be a totally different subject' but I'll use what I've learned to date to produce paintings and digital videos' and aluminium sculptures with Clive Rouse."

The 'Margaret Worthington: Land' Air' Sand' Sea' Spirit. 40 years in Queensland' exhibition will be held at CQUniversity Gladstone Marina Campus until 4 June.

The commemorative book is available from the CQUni Bookshop.