Queensland's Chief Scientist 'impressed' by CQU's research facilities
CQUniversity's Gladstone and Rockhampton campuses played host to Queensland's Chief Scientist Professor Hugh Possingham recently.
Prof Possingham was a guest speaker at STEM Expo and toured the Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre (CMERC) at the Gladstone Marina campus and he also visited Advanced Technology and Innovation Centre (ATIC) and the Central Queensland Innovation Research Precinct (CQIRP) in Rockhampton.
CQUni Senior Lecturer, Australia Pacific LNG STEM Central Lead and ATIC Coordinator Dr Linda Pfeiffer said it was quite a coup to have Prof Possingham for the STEM Expo.
"We were very pleased to have Prof Possingham visit CQUniversity," she said.
"His address at the STEM Expo was Inspiring educators to teach Science and Connecting STEM researchers, STEM community groups and citizen scientist groups with educators."
Prof Possingham said he was impressed with the research and outreach facilities available to both researchers and the community.
"It was inspiring to see a number of different research projects and I think it really shows how innovative and future-focussed scientific research can be in Queensland," Prof Possingham said.
"The advances in drone programming and using virtual reality for emergency services has real world impact for real life situations.
"I was also impressed by the use of smart data in irrigation management from the Advanced Technology and Innovation Centre, which is not only helping to save water but also resulting in cost savings for the university.
"It was great to see the Sea Flowers citizen science project in action at the Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre (CMERC). I encourage anyone who lives in the Gladstone, Bundaberg and the Sunshine Coast area to take part in this citizen science endeavour to help restore seagrass meadows that are so crucial for marine life to flourish."