Robotics comp deemed success
More than 120 students from 11 schools across the CQ region participated in the seventh annual Gladstone Robotics Competition recently.
Sixteen industry mentors from Rio Tinto, Queensland Alumina Limited and Boyne Smelter Limited also volunteered for the event which was deemed a ‘huge success’.
“We had students attending from Gladstone, Tannum Sands/Boyne Island, Calliope and Mt. Larcom,” event host and CQUniversity’s Partner Up Queensland Regional Science and Innovation Network Coordinator Dr Cal Devney said.
“Students learned from industry mentors as they tested their robotic solutions to industry-themed challenges,” she said.
Teams arrived at the event with their student-designed autonomous robots which were deployed to collect objects from the mat, as well as student-designed sorting systems with a hopper, sensor and conveyor belt.
“The robot design judges were blown away by the quality of engineering and programming on show, with most teams designing and building unique and innovative collection and sorting systems,” Dr Devney said.
The winner of the Robot Design in the ‘Beginner Division’ was Clinton State School for their Superheros entry, while Calliope State School took out the ‘GRC Champions’ award for their Beep Bots.
In the ‘Advanced Division’, Calliope State High School took out the Robot Design award for their Just Wait a Minute entry while Gladstone West State School won the GRC Champions award for their Wallabies submission.
“Students received awards based on achievement, design, resilience, spirit and teamwork.”