Katerina Newman
School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences
Psychology and Cognitive Sciences
Associate Professor Amanda Rebar, Dr Madeline Angela Sprajcer
Doctor of Philosophy
Research Details
Thesis Name
An Evaluation of Habitually Enacted Discipline by Parents for Improved Behaviour Change Outcomes in Young Children.ÂThesis Abstract
The extent to which disciplinary actions are performed by parents habitually currently remains unexamined. This project examines the extent to which disciplinary behaviours by parent are habitual (non-conscious) and the factors which influence parenting decisions in relation to disciplinary strategies.
Why My Research is Important/Impacts
Determines the extent to which disciplinary behaviour is enacted non-consciously by parents. Provides a data-driven framework to guide further interventions aimed at changing/minimising corporal punishment. Examines the effectiveness of interventions aimed at changing aversive parenting habits.