Nathan Johnston

School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences
Environmental Sciences; Information and Computing Sciences; Technology
Dr Nicole Flint, Professor John Rolfe
Masters by Research
Head shot of Nathan Johnson in a suit smiling

Research Details

Thesis Name

Investigating the factors affecting successful establishment and operation of a multi-sectorial river basin report card partnership

Thesis Abstract

This research reviews Fitzroy Partnership for River Health and other report cards' initiatives addressing waterway environmental values. The first chapter includes a literature review of waterway report cards along with a comparative assessment of the environmental values being addressed by each initiative.

Why My Research is Important/Impacts

The anticipated impact of the research is that practitioners considering report card development will be better informed and equipped to make a decision on whether an environmental report card is the best solution to the information needs being identified by the community. Practitioners will also gain a fuller appreciation of the factors required in report card development using the Fitzroy Partnership for River Health as a real life case study. The research will also provide new scientific knowledge through the analysis of a successful partnership, for comparison and transfer to other initiatives.