Innovations in Agri-Tech Education and Extension

We are a team of researchers and practitioners who develop innovative programs to increase the skills and knowledge of the current and next-generation agricultural workforce in agri-tech tools and systems.

Our team works with educational institutions, agricultural businesses and industry organisations to develop and implement a range of learning opportunities for educators, students and those working in the agricultural industry to build their capacity to use data and technology to support decision-making across the supply chain.

All of our projects aim to showcase the scientific and digital skills required in the agricultural industry to upskill the current agricultural workforce and attract the next generation to work in the food and fibre production sector.

By exposing young people to agri-tech tools and systems from an early age the benefits are two-fold:

  • It will increase the adoption of technology across the agriculture supply chain when these young people enter the workforce as they will be confident and skilled in the use of agri-tech.
  • Students will act as ‘agents of change’ and influence, encourage and support adults to adopt agri-tech tools and systems on-farm.

Specialist research skills:

  • education as a vehicle for information delivery and encouraging practice change
  • community-based social marketing
  • behavioural and clinical psychology
  • behaviour change through story-telling
  • knowledge transfer and innovation in agricultural supply chains
  • training and assessment protocols and delivery
  • information-based public relations and communications techniques
  • media, social media, and mass communications

RACE Gippsland

Gippsland agriculture is a world-class industry with the agrifood sector being the largest contributor to the local economy.  Despite this significance, many students remain unaware of the ways their different strengths and interests can be explored through the world of agricultural work.  RACE Gippsland connects the classrooms with the wider world of Gippsland agriculture and encourages students to explore their potential in a dynamic, STEM driven industry that exists in their own backyard.

Raising Aspirations in Careers and Education - Gippsland (RACE - Gippsland) will deliver a range of hands-on, interactive and engaging activities to primary and secondary students focuses on building student capacity in STEM, digital technologies, agribusiness, manufacturing and food and fibre concepts, which:

Raise awareness and increase motivation to pursue one of the vast range of careers across the agricultural supply chain

Build their knowledge of, and increase their aspirations to undertake further education pathways

Enhance their life skills (eg communication, resilience, problem solving) by exposing them to potential employers and industry role models

Find out more about RACE Gippsland

EXCITED 4 Careers in Agriculture

The EXCITED 4 Careers in Agriculture program is targeted at K-10 students in regional and rural communities. A range of hands-on activities will embed career guidance activities in the classroom and strengthen the ability of teachers, parents, and industry professionals to support students in exploring their interests, strengths and values and how these relate to the world of agricultural work.

This embedded school-industry partnership career guidance program will be implemented in regional and rural classrooms modified for lower primary (K-3), upper primary (4-6), lower secondary (7 & 8), and middle secondary (9 & 10), and focused on a regional industry of economic significance.

The program is delivered in partnership with AgForce, Australian Science Teachers Association, Australian Prawn Farmers Association, Cotton Australia, GippsDairy, National Association of Agricultural Educators, NT Farmers, Sugar Research Australia, and Wine Australia. This program received grant funding from the Australian Government’s National Careers Institute.