Woorabinda Community Engagement

Evaluating the Establishment of a PCYC in Woorabinda

Project overview: The primary aim of this community-led research (CLR) project was to examine the impact of the establishment of a Police-Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) on youth behaviours in the Woorabinda community, including measurable impacts (both qualitative and quantitative) on crime rates, youth engagement, youth health and wellbeing, and community harmony. 

Project leads: Ms Madeline Stewart, Dr Kylie Radel

Project Team: Dr Carolyn Daniels, Professor Susan Kinnear, Dr Wendy Hillman, Professor Adrian Miller

Project Funding Support: BHP/BMA’s Social Investment Program

Project Partners: CQUniversity; community members and youth at Woorabinda; Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council; the Queensland Police Service; Queensland PCYC; and members of the PCYC Woorabinda. 

Investigating the Bioactivity of plants and remedies used in Indigenous Australian medicine

Project Overview: This project examines the potential bioactivity of plants and remedies used in First Nations medicine and how this practice forms an element of the Woorabinda Research Hub. It offers opportunity for community-based and led research in the important field of bioactive medicine, specifically derived from First Nations knowledges of the medicinal properties of native plants and remedies. The study provides a positive starting point for the process of potential commercialisation of the plants and the remedies and the isolated derivative compounds. 

Project lead: Dr Mani Naiker 

Project Team: Uncle Steve Kemp, Professor Adrian Miller, Dr Padraig Strappe, Associate Professor Paul Nielsen, Dr Jason Steel and Professor Kerry Walsh

Project Funding Support: BHP/BMA’s Social Investment Program