Loneliness and Wellbeing

School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences

Alex Russell


I am exploring the nature of loneliness, including how best to measure it, understanding its complexity including different ways that it can be evoked or experienced, and different approaches to reducing it or minimising its impacts. I'm also interested in how people cope with loneliness, including both "positive" and "negative" coping styles, and the impact these have on their behaviour. I am open to a wide range of potential projects in this space, so please feel free to bring your own ideas and let's discuss them. This is an ongoing call, with no specified start or end date. I have noted Friends For Good as a potential project partner on this, as I have been working with them on projects recently. 

As I work in Psychology, this would most suit a student looking to work in the Psychology field.

Psychology and Cognitive Sciences

Either Masters or Doctorate



Friends For Good

Project Contacts