Gambling and/or video gaming research to reduce harm
School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences
Alex Russell
My main research area is gambling, specifically how technology is changing gambling, who is most at risk and what can be done to minimise this harm. I have been involved in a wide range of studies looking at things like risk factors for problems related to gambling, impacts of gambling advertising, different types of advertising (including direct marketing and dark marketing), social influences on gambling and many other topics. The video gaming industry is starting to come up with projects that are based on elements of gambling, so much of what we have done can apply to video games, too.
I am looking for students to explore just about any topic in gambling and/or video games, with a focus on harm prevention and reduction. Please feel free to bring your ideas to me and we can discuss them. This is an open call, with no specified start date. Funding may be available through our partner funding bodies, typically state government organisations, but this will depend on the specific topic and will require an application for support.
I am also a methods specialist, specifically around creating innovative methodological approaches including highly customised online surveys. These methods could be brought to other research areas outside of gambling and video games.
If any of the above sounds like it could be of interest, please feel free to reach out to me.
Psychology and Cognitive Sciences
Either Masters or Doctorate