Traditional Conceptualisations of health in Indonesia
School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences
Rebecca Fanany
The aim of the research will be to document traditional understandings of health in a region/ethnic group of the student's interest. Indonesia has experienced very intense social and cultural change over the last two decades, as well as incursion by English which has also brought western concepts of health and illness. Over the same period, mental health has been deteriorating and many people have been adversely affected by strong social forces like urbanisation and gloablisation that cannot be resisted. As a result, many people experience gaps in cultural consonance. This is, in itself, a health issue but it is also extremely significant in understanding other health issues. This research will allow for the provision of more effective health services, more appropriate treatment options, and a better, more nuanced understanding of health in Indonesia. It will use an the ographic approach to understand the health experience of selected individuals in a region/culture/language of the student's choice.
Medical and Health Sciences; Studies in Human Society; Language, Communication and Culture
Indonesia, traditional culture, health
January 2021
Melbourne; Online; Offshore
Other Special Notes
Student must be Indonesian and have one of Indonesia's local languages as his or her first language.