Adaptive and automated Security Claim verification and vulnerability assessments tools
School of Engineering and Technology
Biplob Ray
Jahan Hasan
Recent advancements in communication protocols and networking systems have undoubtedly Recentcontributed to the explosive growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and intelligent power grid solutions. However, such technological changes have also allowed cyber adversaries to develop new attacks, techniques, and procedures, making it harder to assess security vulnerabilities in multiprotocol communication systems. In this project, you will use automated security claim verification tools to determine the security vulnerabilities of these multiprotocol communication systems. You will also investigate the development of an adaptive security claim verification tool that can adaptively learn from the assessment of one protocol and use it in the following protocol assessment. In this project, you will:
- Review the related literature to define the best methodology to approach and frame the problem.
- Identify the current working process and techniques of automated security claim verification tools like Scythe.
- Investigate a novel way to automate the development of Security Protocol Description Language (SPDL).
Information and Computing Sciences; Engineering; Technology
Security claim, vulnerability assessment, adaptive security
October, 2020
Melbourne; Sydney; Offshore; By Negotiation; Online