Drone-based Intelligent Bushfire Management System
School of Engineering and Technology
Farzad Sanati
Ayoub Bokani and Jahan Hassan
Many Firefighters and civilians lose their lives every year because of the unpredictability of rapidly moving bushfires. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) can significantly improve the survival chance of humans in proximity to the fire front in an event of a large-scale bushfire. The novelty of this research is to use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to present a significantly precise and predictive UAV navigation system that can predict the velocity and trajectory of bushfire front lines at a micro level to assist/advise ground firefighting crow and civilians in the perceived danger area to take a safer and more effective course of actions when needed.
Information and Computing Sciences; Technology
Drone Technology, Disaster management, Intelligent Networks
Sydney; Townsville