A Novel Sensor for the Selective and Sensitive Determination of Histamine

School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences


Dr Shaneel Chandra

Associate Professor Daniel Cozzolino


Histamine is an important indicator in fish safety and quality determination. It is naturally produced in fish, and high compound levels can lead to "scombroid poisoning" or histamine poisoning and even prove fatal if consumed. This project proposes the development of nanosensing devices on an electrochemical platform. Nanosensing offers a viable solution for these issues with in situ analysis, shorter analysis times, and increased sensitivity and selectivity towards the target analyte compared to conventional methods. Successful electrodes will also be applied to analyse fish tissue for histamine. This project straddles several disciplines, including chemistry, materials science and biology. The candidate, upon completion of this project, will be well poised to undertake more in-depth studies at a higher degree level in electroanalysis in particular.

Chemical Sciences

Sensors, Histamine, Food safety





Other Special Notes

Funding is also provided by CQUniversity to support research higher degree student project costs, and to support national and international conference presentations. This includes:

For Masters by Research candidates:

  • up to $4,000 in Candidate Support Funds
  • up to $3,000 for Candidate Travel Support

Project Contacts