A Modified Sensor for Trace Level Detection of As(III)

School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences


Dr Shaneel Chandra


High concentrations of arsenic are carcinogenic and poisonous to humans, and it is useful to be able to quantify these levels in waters that are used for human consumption. Since As(III) is the more toxic form (about 10X) of the metalloid, its speciation is required to understand its biogeochemical cycling and potential water toxicity. Specific techniques employed to evaluate arsenic concentrations vary and electrochemical analysis, particularly on a voltammetric platform such as anodic stripping voltammetry, is one means of analytical measurement techniques for inorganic arsenic in the lll and V oxidation states in the environment. Techniques such as anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) are sensitive, selective and inexpensive. Studying As(III) at carbon-based screen-printed electrodes (SPEs) is not a straightforward analysis, and the project will modify commercially-available screen printed electrodes to enable As detection. The performance of the electrochemical technique will also be compared to the more commonly-used hydride generation method as performance evaluation.

Chemical Sciences; Environmental Sciences

Arsenic, Sensors





Other Special Notes

Funding is also provided by CQUniversity to support research higher degree student project costs and to support national and international conference presentations. This includes:

For Masters by Research Candidates:

  • up to $4,000 in Candidate Support Funds
  • up to $3,000 for Candidate Travel Support

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