Opportunities for Paramedic Science Grads

Paramedic science student smiles at camera while students and lecturer work in the background.
Ready to advance or diversify your career in paramedicine? Our range of postgraduate courses can help you progress into specialist paramedic practice, leadership roles, or transition into a complementary field.

A postgraduate course can help you:

  • deepen your knowledge in critical care practice and gain exposure to complex environments faced by paramedics
  • explore leadership perspectives in primary healthcare practice.

You can also build on your skills in a complementary field using your undergraduate paramedicine study as a base.

  • Michael Dixon_005.jpg
    A couple of the lecturers were active critical care paramedics with decades of experience – it gives you experience that you couldn't possibly learn from a lecturer that hadn't had that same experience in the field.

    Michael Dixon

    Bachelor of Pararmedic Science, Graduate Diploma of Paramedic Science (Critical Care)

Diploma of Paramedic Science graduates

Progress your career and qualify as a paramedic with our Bachelor of Paramedic Science. You may be eligible for credit for your prior study.

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Diploma of Emergency Health Care graduates

Diversify your career – become a paramedic trained in high threat environments with a Bachelor of Paramedic Science/Graduate Certificate in Emergency and Disaster Management.

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