Metal Fabrication


All apprentices are required to adhere to standard safety dress standards when attending their blocks. No thongs or singlets may be worn.

It is compulsory that students supply their own Welding Helmet, Gloves and Oxy Welding Shields and clear safety glasses. If part of your off-the-job training at CQUniversity includes a Welding or Fabrication Module, then the following items will be required:

  • Welding helmet
  • Ear protection
  • Safety glasses (clear only)
  • Long leather welding gloves
  • Overalls/ long sleeve, cotton drill work shirt
  • Cotton drill trousers
  • Oxy shields (shade 5)
  • Welding cap (100 percent cotton)

Failure to wear correct safety clothing and footwear will result in refusal to workshops.

The dress standards listed represent the minimum standard which will provide adequate protection against certain hazards in the working environment. In addition to these standards regulations 61 - 71 of the Workplace Health and Safety Act, in part VII, "Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment" apply.

Jewellery and watches shall be removed during practical work in metal machining, or while undertaking any activity which may result in injury as a result of jewellery becoming caught or entangled.

All safety shoes shall conform to AS 2210 (all safety footwear shall incorporate protective steel toecaps complying with the relevant requirements of this standard). Protective shoes shall have covered uppers and non-slip soles for the working environment.

Sunscreen shall be used to provide protection for exposed skin in outdoor activities.

Clothing worn by persons who may come in contact with fire, heat and molten metal shall be manufactured from a fire resistant material such as 100% cotton drill.

Equipment and resource material

Apprentices are required to bring along the the following equipment to their blocks:

  • Compass - 130mm spring with bow type 150 radius with extension arm
  • Set square - 45 degrees (300 mm)
  • Set Square - 60/30 degrees (300 mm)
  • 300 mm plastic ruler
  • Eraser (soft pencil)
  • Drawing clips
  • Pencils - H, 2H, 3H and 4H
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Sandpaper pad
  • Scientific calculator
  • Flexicurve or french curves (advantageous but non-essential)

Standards and Regulation for Hot Works

CQUniversity is committed to ensuring the ongoing Health & Wellbeing of our students whilst attending our campuses.
Students undertaking practical activities in our welding workshops may be exposed to airborne contaminants such as dust or welding fumes. These contaminants can cause acute and/or chronic health effects depending on the process involved and the materials being used.
To minimise the risk to CQUniversity’s students, all students who undertake welding are required to wear correctly “fit-tested” respiratory protection (minimum P2) which can either be supplied by your employer, or yourself.

Fit testing is required by Australian New Zealand Standard AS/NZS1715 before a user wears a respirator on the job and should be assessed at least annually.
To ensure that CQUniversity meets legislative requirements, we are requesting that you follow the instructions below:

  1. If you have/use a positive pressure air supply welding helmet (eg: Speedglas 9100FX), you will be required to bring this helmet to your training and won’t need to do anything further. You will be asked to wear this helmet while welding, grinding and hot works activities are taking place in the designated areas within the campus. The designated areas are displayed on entry to the workshop facilities.I
  2. If you use a disposable P2 mask, you will be required to supply your fit test card to your teacher on your first day of each training block. Please remember fit test cards are only valid for 12 months and while using these masks, you are required to be clean shaven at all times whilst wearing your mask.  Refer to Respiratory protective equipment legislation for more information.
  3. If you don’t have a mask or your fit test card has expired, you will be required to purchase a positive pressure air supply welding helmet (at your own cost) or organise a fit test to be completed through your employer prior to commencing your training. For your fit test, you will be required to be clean shaven prior to the assessment.

Possible Fit Testing Assessment places listed below: 

Company Contact DetailsLocation 
Kinnect1300 546 632Rockhampton, Mackay, Gladstone and Emerald 
SureFit Services1300 300 874Rockhampton, Mackay, Gladstone and Bundaberg

Refer to the Welding Code of Practice for more information.

For any other enquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact our OHS unit at


Limited copies of recommended textbooks are available from the library depending on availability. Borrowed books must be returned prior to completion of block.

It is advisable to have the following reading materials:

  • A W Boundy Engineering Drawing, 5th Edition
  • Marking off Techniques for Metal Fabrication

Personal Protective Equipment

Eye protection in the form of safety spectacles or safety clip-ons (if you wear non-safety prescription spectacles) is to be provided by each apprentice. It must carry the Australian Standards Approval for the Code AS1337 "Industrial Eye Protection". If there is any doubt you will be required to obtain a pair that does comply with code.

If wearing prescription spectacles then safety clip-ons must be worn, unless the lenses are industrially hardened or made of CR39. Your optometrist will be able to advise you on this. However, if there is doubt then you will be required to obtain and wear a pair of safety clip-ons.

Hair protection shall be worn, when working around moving machinery and/or when a designated area is in operation. The hair protection should be in form of a peak cap especially designed for industrial use. It should also come with a snood capable of fully containing the hair. A cap of fire resistant material shall be worn when working in the various welding areas. You will be responsible for providing this protection.

Ear protection will be provided by the campus. If you wish to purchase your own, please ensure that it carries the Australian Standard Approval.


Use of mobile and electrical devices

Please be aware that the use of mobile phones, iPods, MP3 players and other electrical devices is not permitted in the classroom at any time. The only exception is if a student has sought special permission from the teacher prior to class due to an emergency situation. The use of a mobile phone as a calculator is also not acceptable.

This regulation has been implemented by all teaching staff and management of CQUniversity. The directive is in line with industry standards and clause 8.15 Student Responsibilities and Obligations in the CQUniversity Student Rules Policy (TAFE). Regulations will be monitored by the teaching staff.

Signs have been posted in all classrooms and workshops to remind students of this regulation. Any student failing to abide by this directive will be referred to the Head of Course.

Conditions and behaviour while on campus

Conditions and behaviour in campus workplaces are governed by the Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011 and the provisions of this Act will be strictly applied.

Section 28 of this Act states: While at work, a worker must—

  • Take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety; and
  • Take reasonable care that his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons; and
  • Comply, so far as the worker is reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that is given by the person conducting the business or undertaking to allow the person to comply with this Act; and
  • Co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure of the person conducting the business or undertaking.

Enrolment and payment information

For students covered under funding or subsidies visit Paying for TAFE or TAFE Subsidised Training for more information.

Students paying their own fees

The Student Contribution Fee is $1.60 per nominal hour of each Competency Unit (see your Training Plan for hours associated to each unit). Your TAFE Partnerships Adviser will inform you of your enrolments via email. 

It is the responsibility of the apprentice to enrol and pay their enrolment fees prior to attending training at CQUniversity. You may not be able to access your exams and assessments if you are not enrolled.

Travel and accommodation information and claim process

The Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training provide a travel and accommodation subsidy to eligible apprentices and trainees to subsidise their expenses if they have to travel more than 100 kilometres to return, to attend their closest training organisation.

How to apply

  1. Visit and
  2. Under the heading “I’m looking for…”, click on “Travel and Accommodation Online” link.

If you apply online you can submit your claims prior to the end of your training block while still at TAFE.

To apply online you will need to enter your: 

  • Surname
  • First name
  • Date of birth
  • Your 9-digit training contract registration number

This number is found on your training plan and training notices.

For more information about subsidies, visit or telephone Apprenticeships Info on 13 74 68.