How and When to Apply for SUN

Applying for SUN is easy. Follow the below steps, and ensure you have your parental and school consent, and you'll be starting uni before you know it.

Before you apply

Follow these simple steps to ensure you are prepared for the SUN program:

  1. Discuss your interest in SUN with your school Careers Officer, Year Level Coordinator or Guidance Officer and your parents/guardian.
  2. Read the SUN Procedure to ensure you know what is involved with studying SUN.
  3. Decide which unit you want to complete by choosing from the available units listed on our SUN units webpage. If you are unsure or would like some guidance on choosing your unit, our SUN team is here to help - contact us with the course you are interested in studying and when you'd like to get started.

What You Need for Your Application

As part of your application, you'll need to include the following:

  • your Learner Unique Identifier (LUI)
  • your signed Start Uni Now Authorisation Form. Please note that forms with typed signatures are not accepted.
  • a copy of your most recent graded semester school report card, issued by your school, showing that you are achieving a minimum C for English or equivalent, and achieving an average B grade across your top five graded subjects or completed vocational education and training (VET) qualifications from certificate II and above. You are encouraged to review the SUN procedure with your relevant Year Level Coordinator or Guidance Officer prior to applying. Please note that interim report cards, Track Ed profiles or percentage results cannot be accepted.

If you're undertaking a non-standard curriculum (EG Home-schooling, Steiner Education, Big Picture, Australian Christian Education), you will need to provide the following:

  • Evidence of home school registration (if applicable); 
  • Documentation demonstrating completion of school-based study (i.e. graded academic report card), or  
  • Documentation demonstrating progress or completion of external study (including VET qualifications, Open University study, online courses) 
  • Documentation demonstrating passing grade in English or equivalent (i.e graded academic report card), or completion of Basic Key Skills Builder (BKSB) test, with achievement of minimum level 4 (a Unique Student Identifier is required to complete the BKSB test).

How to Apply

Ready to apply? 

Submit your application directly to CQU via our Apply Online portal

As part of your application, you'll need to attach your signed Start Uni Now Authorisation Form and a copy of your most recent graded school report card. Without these, your application cannot be assessed. 

Term and Application Dates

Term 2 2025

Term date: Monday 14 July 2025 - Friday 10 October 2025

SUN application due date: Monday 23 June 2025

Term 3 2025

Term date: Monday 10 November 2025 - 13 February 2026

SUN application due date: Monday 20 October 2025

Apply for SUN

If you're ready to apply to start SUN in high school, use the Apply Now button to apply. You can submit your application and all supporting documents online.

Apply Now

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