First Nations STEPS Units

Enjoy a welcome and culturally safe environment as you prepare for your university journey with the dedicated First Nations units available as part of our Skills for Tertiary Education Preparatory Studies (STEPS) course.

In the STEPS course, you'll complete one core unit - Preparation Skills for University - and a selection of electives. These electives include three dedicated First Nations units: 

EDED40351 - Culture and Learning 

INDG40015- Indigenous Australians and Education 

INDG40016- Indigenous Australians and Health 

Whether you're a First Nations student or are looking to build your understanding and skills of First Nations culture, these units will help you feel ready for university. 

If you're already studying in an undergraduate course, you may be eligible to complete one or more of these units alongside your study. 

If you are interested in completing any of the STEPS First Nations units, simply apply and a STEPS Access Coordinator will be in contact to discuss your options and create a study plan. 

Browse the full list of units and find out more about STEPS, eligibility, key dates and the application process on our STEPS course page

  • Tara Hansen
    STEPS was a great starting point for me as a mature student. There is a lot of support at the University and the Indigenous Support Team has a lot to offer from assistance with books to tutoring.

    Tara Hansen

    STEPS and Bachelor of Law