Term 3 2024 Dare to be Deadly Study Resource Bursary


Once Off


November 3, 2024

December 5, 2024


The Indigenous Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarships (Indigenous-CECS) assist with education costs for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students enrolled and studying in enabling, undergraduate, honours, or postgraduate courses (for example, compulsory textbooks, study equipment, or laptops). At CQUniversity, these scholarships are known as Dare to be Deadly Scholarships (D2BD).

To be eligible to receive the D2BD Study Resource Bursary, successful applicants must:

  • Identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person and provide Confirmation of Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander Identity or Cultural Reference documents as detailed under the Supporting Documentation section.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress.
  • Be enrolled in one of the below courses of study in Term 3, 2024:
    • STEPS
    • Bachelor
    • Bachelor Honours
    • Associate Degree
    • Advanced Diploma (Higher Education)
    • Diploma (Higher Education)**
    • Postgraduate (Coursework)
  • Be studying a minimum term study load of 6 credit points or more at Census date of Term 3, 2024.

*Preference will be given to students residing in regional and remote Australia (as defined by ABS) and/or from financially disadvantaged backgrounds.
**Please refer to the CQUniversity Handbook to check course eligibility.

Students will be ineligible if they are currently in receipt of any of the following:

  • Services Australia Student Start-Up Scholarship.
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs Student Start-Up Scholarship Payment.
  • Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarship.
  • A Commonwealth Scholarship or Indigenous Commonwealth Scholarship at another institution.
  • Have received or are currently in receipt of a CQUniversity Scholarship/Sponsorship within the current term.

Applicants who have received or are currently in receipt of the scholarships listed above must declare this at the time of application. Failure to declare this may result in your scholarship being withdrawn.

Complete the application form addressing the following question:

How would a Dare to be Deadly Study Resource Bursary assist with your studies?

As there are a limited number of scholarships available, all scholarships may be exhausted prior to the advertised closing date.

A D2BD Study Resource Bursary will be awarded on the basis that the applicant meets the Indigenous Student Assistance Grants Guidelines 2017.

Payment of Scholarship

Successful applicants are required to enter their current financial institution details (banking details) into their MyCQU account (refer to instructions) for payment to occur.

Payment will be made to the successful applicant by week 6 of term following post Census date eligibility checks.

Payments will be made electronically to the successful applicant’s nominated bank account. Requests for an early payment will not be considered.

Declaration of receiving Centrelink Loans or Scholarships

Students will be ineligible if they are currently in receipt of any of the following:

  • Services Australia Student Start-Up Scholarship.
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs Student Start-Up Scholarship Payment.
  • Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarship.
  • A Commonwealth Scholarship or Indigenous Commonwealth Scholarship at another institution.
  • Have received or are currently in receipt of a CQUniversity Scholarship/Sponsorship within the current term.

Applicants who have received or are currently in receipt of the scholarships listed above must declare this at the time of application. Failure to declare this may result in your scholarship being withdrawn.

Additional Information

As a scholarship recipient, you will be asked to participate in a feedback survey. You may also be approached to assist with positively promoting the CQUniversity Scholarships program by sharing your experiences as a recipient through media or invited to attend events such as Orientation or Open Day.

CQUniversity has a range of support services located on our website Student Support Services and Financial Preparedness.

Applications should include all necessary supporting documents. Incomplete applications cannot be considered.

Applicants will need to supply any or all of the following supporting documents as per the CQUniversity Confirmation of Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander Identity Protocol (Section 3.5 ‘Acceptable documentation’):

  • Certified copies of the applicant’s Confirmation of Identity documents. A Confirmation of Identity document is usually provided by an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community organisation. The documentation names the individual and confirms they are a recognised member of a specified Indigenous Australian community.
  • Native Title documentation issued by a Prescribed Body Corporate which specifically names the applicant or provides other formal evidence of ancestral or familial ties.
  • In the absence of either of these documents, an original Statutory Declaration signed by the applicant, accompanied by two supporting documents of verification from a recognised cultural consultant/referee (as defined in the CQUniversity Confirmation of Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander Identity Protocol, Section 5.1 ‘Terms and definitions’).

All requests for further information to support applications will be sent to the CQUniversity student email account. Failure to supply further information will deem the application incomplete and will not be considered.

To apply for a Dare to be Deadly Study Resource Bursary:

  1. Contact the Student Scholarships team by emailing studentscholarships@cqu.edu.au requesting an application form.
  2. Once the first eligibility checks are conducted, the Student Scholarships team will send an application form to your student email account.
  3. Return the completed form and relevant supporting documents as detailed under the Supporting Documentation section to studentscholarships@cqu.edu.au.

Students can only apply during the bursary round when it opens on Census date of the current term.

Students will be notified of the outcome of their application via their student email account only. Decisions are final.

The Indigenous Student Success Scholarship Program (ISSP)

The Indigenous Student Success Scholarship Program (ISSP) is a Commonwealth-funded program to help students take on the demands of university and succeed. Dare to be Deadly Scholarships are prioritised towards the support of Indigenous Students who are financially disadvantaged and/or from remote and regional areas.