Far North Queensland Youth Assistance Fund Scholarships (External)




November 30, 2024

December 30, 2024


The Far North Queensland Youth Assistance Fund provides Scholarships for young people under the age of 24 years and funds up to a maximum of $5,000 per individual to successful applicants whose parents reside in the FNQ region; (from Cardwell in the South, West to the Queensland border, and North to the tip of Cape York). The FNQYAF will endeavour to assist all eligible applicants.

Visit the FNQYAF Scholarship website for more information or contact the FNQYAF office at (07) 4051 6590 or via email.

Visit the FNQYAF Scholarship website for more information or contact the FNQYAF office at (07) 4051 6590 or via email.

Visit the FNQYAF Scholarship website for more information or contact the FNQYAF office at (07) 4051 6590 or via email.

Visit the FNQYAF Scholarship website for more information or contact the FNQYAF office at (07) 4051 6590 or via email.

Visit the FNQYAF Scholarship website to apply.

Each application is individually assessed by the Committee. Applications open on 1st December and close on 31st December, with a Presentation Ceremony held at the end of January each year. For more information download the application form on the FNQYAF Scholarship website or contact the FNQYAF office at (07) 4051 6590 or via email - fnq.youthassist@iig.com.au

Far North Queensland Youth Assistance Fund

The Fund was established in 1972 to assist disadvantaged Far North Queensland children and youth in their education, sporting and cultural activities.