CQUniversity Research Stipend Scholarship (Women's Career Interruption Award)
$35,000 per year
up to 3 years
January 18, 2022
March 31, 2022
The CQUniversity Research Stipend Scholarship (Women's Career Interruption Award) is intended to increase the number of women in research higher degree programs at CQUniversity and to assist with living expenses for a female graduate who can demonstrate significant interruption to their academic careers as a result of carer's responsibilities and/or being the primary carer of a dependent child. A significant career interruption is typically defined as a period of not less than five years in total (although this may be discontinuous), during which the individual has reduced capacity to pursue studies, employment and/or professional activities relating to the research field of interest.
To be eligible for a CQUniversity Research Stipend Scholarship (Women's Career Interruption Award) an applicant must:
- Be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident of Australia.
- Have experienced a break from study of five or more years.
- Be undertaking, or approved for admission and enrolling in, a research higher degree program at CQUniversity in 2022.
- If undertaking:
- a Research Masters, not hold a research Doctorate or a Research Masters or an equivalent research qualification; and
- a Research Doctorate, not hold a Research Doctorate or an equivalent research qualification; and
- Must not be receiving an equivalent award, scholarship or salary providing a benefit greater than 75% of the CQUniversity Research Stipend Scholarship (Women's Career Interruption Award) stipend rate to undertake a research higher degree.
The scholarship will be awarded in accordance with the Research Training Program and Research Higher Degree Scholarships Policy and Procedure. In addition, please note that this is an equity scholarship.
The Award is offered to a female candidate who can demonstrate significant interruption to their academic careers as a result of carer's responsibilities and/or being the primary carer of a dependent child. A significant career interruption is typically defined as a period of not less than five years in total (although this may be discontinuous), during which the individual has reduced capacity to pursue studies, employment and/or professional activities relating to the research field of interest.
Applications must include all necessary supporting documents. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Applicants will need to supply the following supporting documentation:
- Written submission
- Academic Transcripts
- Resume
Applicants must be currently enrolled in, or approved for admission and commencing in 2022, in a research higher degree at CQUniversity. Please complete the Women's Academic Career Interruption Scholarship Application form and return to research-scholarships@cqu.edu.au.
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their applications by email.