Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

It is an online learning experience to support Indigenous business owners, managers and traditional owners in the field of business and entrepreneurship.

The program is presented through a series of online modules, providing knowledge and tools for participants to grow their businesses and develop economic opportunities for their communities.

Participants will receive support from mentors through ‘virtual yarning circles’, emails, phone and video calls, and via a private social media group (Facebook).

The Whanu Binal Indigenous Entrepreneur Program was developed as a flexible study pathway by CQ University in partnership with Arrow Energy. It builds on CQ University’s reputation and experience as one of Queensland’s leading tertiary education providers, and a series of training that Arrow Energy has offered under the Whanu Binal banner, to build capacity in Indigenous communities in the company's areas of operation.

The program is for:

  • Indigenous business owners, managers, aspiring entrepreneurs and traditional owners with solid business ideas
  • Who want support to grow their business and develop local economic opportunities for their communities, particularly in the Surat Basin and Bowen Basin regions.

Places are limited. Preference will be given to applicants from these traditional owners’ groups with which Arrow Energy has capacity-building obligations through its land use agreements:

Surat Basin region

  • Barunggam
  • Bigambul
  • Cobble Cobble
  • Emon/Iman
  • Mandandanji
  • Jarowair/Yarowair
  • Kambulwal
  • Northern GomeroiWakka
  • Western Wakka

Bowen Basin region

  • Barada Barna
  • Birri
  • Jangga
  • Wiri
  • Yetimaral/Yetimarala

There is no financial cost to participants.

The program is an informative, interactive and authentic online learning experience and is fully subsidised by Arrow Energy in partnership with CQ University.

Program modules teach about the core fundamentals of business and entrepreneurship. This includes topics such as constructing a marketing strategy, developing a business plan and financial information record keeping.

Program modules may have one or several topics within them and all topics have associated activities that participants can choose to complete.

Participants are encouraged to select the module topics that interest them, and to learn at their own pace.

All the information and activities have been developed to improve skills and understanding. There is both breadth and depth to the content available, and participants can choose what they need.

There is no limit to the number of modules that can be undertaken by participants (please refer to question 6 for more information).

There will also be workshops on different topics that participants may attend. These will be advertised on the landing page, in email and on social media. Topics include:

  • Business fundamentals
  • Legal elements of business management
  • Business Finance
  • Marketing for business
  • Indigenous leadership and management in business.

No. Participants can ‘tap in and tap out’ of the module topics, depending on their business needs.

All participants will receive ongoing support from the program’s mentors.

CQ University’s Whanu Binal Indigenous Entrepreneur Program team will acknowledge all submitted expressions of interest with an email.

Accepted participants will then receive a follow-up email that outlines the next steps of enrolment.

If you have not yet expressed interest, please visit Whanu Binal Indigenous Entrepreneur Program.