Leaving a gift in your Will
CQUniversity understands that your legacy must honour and reflect your wishes. However you choose to make a lasting impact, we'd be delighted to learn what drives you, learn more about your passions and interests and what kind of legacy you'd like to create through a gift in your Will. Our CQUniversity approved Bequest Management Policy is a dedicated promise to you that we endeavour to fulfil your legacy.
How to leave a gift in your Will
Your bequest could be a gift of cash, shares, property, land or other items that could support the role of the University in providing a high standard of education for the good of our communities. Bequests are very important as a means for making higher education more accessible for everyone and for ensuring the excellence of a CQUniversity education.
To learn more about how a gift in your will can contribute to life-changing education, research, social innovation and growth, please contact:
Mr Francois Gallais
Deputy Director, Philanthropy
(07) 4923 2822
Prospective benefactors can be assured that all discussions with University staff regarding a bequest intention will be treated in the strictest confidence, and incur no obligation to follow any particular course of action.
Suggested wording for your Will
When considering making a gift to Central Queensland University in your Will, we recommend that you seek independent legal advice. The following suggested wording and guidelines for either a general or specific gift in your Will may be helpful to you when consulting your advisers regarding the drafting of your Will.
'I give [the sum of (insert amount in words and figures) or the whole of my estate or a portion of my estate (eg ½ or ¼) or the residue of my estate] to Central Queensland University A.B.N. 39 181 103 288 of 554-700 Yaamba Road, North Rockhampton, in the State of Queensland (“CQUniversity”) for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of an authorised officer of Central Queensland University for the gift in my Will shall be sufficient discharge to my Trustee.'
'I give [the sum of (insert amount in words and figures) or the whole of my estate or a portion of my estate (eg ½ or ¼) or the residue of my estate] to Central Queensland University A.B.N. 39 181 103 288 of 554-700 Yaamba Road, North Rockhampton, in the State of Queensland (“CQUniversity”) to be used for [insert specific purpose] provided however, that if circumstances make the specified use of this gift in my Will impractical or undesirable, I direct that Central Queensland University is authorised to apply this bequest to other purposes, such purposes, however, to conform as much as possible to the spirit and intent of this bequest. I direct that the receipt of an authorised officer of Central Queensland University for the gift in my Will shall be sufficient discharge to my Trustee.'
'I give [the sum of (insert amount in words and figures) or the whole of my estate or a portion of my estate (eg ½ or ¼) or the residue of my estate] to Central Queensland University A.B.N. 39 181 103 288 of 554-700 Yaamba Road, North Rockhampton, in the State of Queensland (“CQUniversity”) for the purposes of funding one or more scholarships, prizes and/or emergency bursaries for [insert general description of area to be supported if required], provided however, that if circumstances make the specified use of this bequest impractical or undesirable, I direct that Central Queensland University is authorised to apply this bequest as it deems advisable. [Insert if required “It is my wish that the said (scholarship, prize or emergency bursary) be known as 'The [X] Scholarship/Prize/Bursary', in the area for which it is awarded.”] I direct that the receipt of an authorised officer of Central Queensland University for the gift in my Will shall be sufficient discharge to my Trustee.'
'I give [the sum of (insert amount in words and figures) or the whole of my estate or a portion of my estate (eg ½ or ¼) or the residue of my estate] to Central Queensland University A.B.N. 39 181 103 288 of 554-700 Yaamba Road, North Rockhampton, in the State of Queensland (“CQUniversity”) to be used for research in [insert the field or area or related fields], provided that if it is impractical in the opinion of Central Queensland University to apply the bequest to research in [insert the field or area or related fields], then I direct it to use the bequest for research in such field as Central Queensland University in its absolute discretion deems advisable. I direct that the receipt of an authorised officer of Central Queensland University for the bequest shall be sufficient discharge to my Trustee.'
When a specific purpose is designated in the Will, we recommend including a provision which authorises Central Queensland University to apply the bequest to another purpose, if it becomes impractical or impossible to use the bequest for the purpose prescribed in the Will. In that case, the following wording would be appropriate:
'If at any time, and for whatever reason, it becomes impracticable or impossible for Central Queensland University to continue to apply the fund for the purpose or purposes directed by me in this my Will, then Central Queensland University may apply the income of the fund and, where necessary, the capital, for such other purpose or purposes as Central Queensland University determines are most closely in accordance with my directions.'

Together we create change. | CQUniCares | CQUniversity Australia
CQUniversity Alumna and friend, Moya Gold, recognised that throughout a life, there are times when you may need a little help from others.
It was this ‘little bit of help’ that Moya envisaged when she entrusted her generous bequest to CQUniversity.
We are truly honoured that Moya chose CQUniversity to honour her life’s wishes to help others.
Remarkably, her legacy was the foundation for CQUniCares, a perpetual fund established in 2010, to empower others to have a positive influence on so many other people’s lives.
Over the last 10 years, more than 2,500 students have received financial support through CQUniCares, enabling them to access university education, respond to urgent financial needs or to celebrate their academic achievements.
On top of all that, CQUniCares donors have helped to support new buildings and facilities, equipment, outreach programs and ground-breaking research – all things that have provided opportunities to better the lives of others
To put it simply, all of this would not be possible without the generous support of our CQUniCares community – and on behalf of our CQUniversity family, we sincerely thank you.
CQUniversity Australia | CQUniCares | Together we create change. |
Frequently Asked Questions
A bequest is a gift. Bequests to CQUniversity are special gifts of items such as cash, property, securities or real estate, designated in your will to leave a lasting legacy by strengthening the University's ability to provide our students with every opportunity to achieve great things.
Leaving a bequest through your will is an important form of planned giving.
People donate to the University for a variety of reasons. Some wish to say thank you for the education they received and to give future generations the chance to excel. Others wish to support causes such as research that could save a life, assist the development of new technologies and skills, or honour the life of someone dear to them.
By supporting CQUniversity through a bequest, you can assist in making higher education more accessible to more people, transforming lives and helping to skill communities by skilling their people.
Planning for a bequest in your will enables you and the University to have a sustainable and effective impact in your area of interest. It allows giving in perpetuity - ensuring the benefits of your gift will survive beyond your active input.
No. Bequests can be made with a specific purpose to reflect your personal interest and to make a difference in the things that are most important to you.
Bequests can be made without a designated purpose so that they assist with the University's priorities at the time. This allows greater flexibility and a way for the University to meet future needs. General or unrestricted bequests are those which allow the University to apply the funds to areas of greatest need at the time the gift is received. Unrestricted bequests are especially valuable, as they provide flexibility to respond to changing needs and priorities.
It is often beneficial for a benefactor to have a personal discussion with the Deputy Director, Development and Alumni Relations about a bequest intention to ensure that, in due course, the University will be able to apply the bequest according to the benefactor's wishes.
Yes, providing that your Bequest brings no material or tangible benefits to you under the rules specified by the Australian Taxation Office.
CQUniversity is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient. Monetary or other gifts to the University are generally allowable for deductions for Australian income tax purposes. Donors should, however, seek independent advice from their legal and/or taxation advisor. There are no administrative charges deducted from gifts.
If you have already drafted your Will, you can make an amendment by adding a codicil to include a bequest. We recommend you seek independent professional advice to ensure that your wishes are expressed correctly.
Leaving a gift in your will to the University is one of the most thoughtful ways to support the community through a gift for the future. Your gift shows forethought, planning and community commitment. Giving the University the information that you have left a bequest allows the University to properly prepare to receive it, and to plan for the future.
If you decide to make a bequest to CQUniversity, please let us know so we can express our appreciation, record your planned gift, keep you up to date with developments at the University and involve you and your family in relevant special events throughout the year.