Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre (CMERC)
Working With Nature: Investigations for Seawall Designs in the Port of Gladstone
Coastal structures can be more ecologically sustainable when strategies design for the inclusion and creation of local habitats.

Sea Flowers Growing Community Engagement for Seagrass Restoration
The project's goal is to engage community members in taking an active role in protecting the health of their coastal waterways by collecting seagrass flowers and seeds for use in habitat restoration programs.
Seagrass Enhancement via Aerial Drones (SEAD)
Seagrass loss often occurs through a process of gradual fragmentation to a critical threshold.

Prioritising Seagrass Restoration in the Whitsunday Islands
The program aims to develop a scientific, data-driven basis to support resilience-based management and to guide restoration activities for seagrass.

Restoring the 'Kidneys' of the Great Barrier Reef
CQUniversity’s seagrass restoration research program continues to explore ways to restore and grow seagrass meadows.

Integrated Habitat Restoration for the Discovery Coast
This represents a unique opportunity to research novel coastal management engineering projects and work with local communities and resource managers.
Seaweed Biofilters for Water Quality Improvement and Reef Protection
This project proposes to take advantage of seaweeds’ highly efficient nutrient uptake capacity to promote their use to protect the Great Barrier Reef.
Knowledge to Improve the Assessment and Management of Giant Mud Crabs
Researchers are collaborating on a Fisheries Research and Development (FRDC) co-funded research project on mud crab populations in Queensland.

All Roads Flow to the Sea Capturing Road-based Plastic Pollution
Mismanaged plastic waste, predominantly from land-based sources, accumulates in the marine environment causing harm to many species.

Port Curtis Integrated Monitoring Program (PCIMP)
Discover more about The Port Curtis Integrated Monitoring Programme (PCIMP), a consortium of Gladstone-based portside industries and government.

Protecting and Enhancing High Value Fish Habitats Across Central QLD's Coast
The project is working to restore seagrass communities, considered to be critical fish habitat, that are declining due to habitat loss and degradation.

Integrated Habitat Restoration for the Discovery Coast
This represents a unique opportunity to research novel coastal management engineering projects and work with local communities and resource managers.
Prioritising Seagrass Restoration in the Whitsunday Islands
The program aims to develop a scientific, data-driven basis to support resilience-based management and to guide restoration activities for seagrass.

Restoring the 'Kidneys' of the Great Barrier Reef
CQUniversity’s seagrass restoration research program continues to explore ways to restore and grow seagrass meadows.

Where Does the Plastic Go? Microplastic Loading in Seagrass vs Mangroves
Plastic pollution from anthropogenic activities on land and sea is a ubiquitous global issue.

Assessing Presence of ECCs Associated with Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharges
Globally emerging contaminants of concern (ECCs) are found in groundwater, surface water, wastewater, drinking water and food sources.

Future-proofing the Aquaculture Industry
The project encompasses engagement with education and training providers.
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Meet our Research Students
CMERC hosts Phd and Master’s research students across a range of our key programs.

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CMERC Facilities and Equipment
CMERC’s greatest research facilities – the unique ecosystems, industries and communities of the Queensland coast – is right on our doorstep.