
When you enrol in your course, you’ll be selecting the unit or units that make up your course and when you will commence your study in these units. You’ll usually follow a course planner that outlines a recommended order to complete the units of your course. Our course planner information can be of help at this stage.  The academic calendar is also a useful resource as it provides dates for the year. 

The enrolment process is outlined in your letter of offer. For most courses, you will be able to enrol in units via the MyCQU Student Portal which guides you through the process.  Alternatively, follow the instructions in your letter of offer to enrol and then visit MyCQU as the gateway to access everything you’ll need to study with us.

Checklist tasks promoted when you visit MyCQU will include:

  • enrolling in units for the upcoming study period
  • paying fees
  • managing your details
  • setting up you student email
  • arranging a Student ID Card, and more.

As a new student you should also take the time to explore the support services and student resources available to you in MyCQU via desktop or your mobile device.

Accessing MyCQU

New to CQU? You’ll need a login to get started on the MYCQU Student Portal. Find helpful details if it's your first time or it's been a while setting up on our system.

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